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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
June 26 2013 3 26 /06 /June /2013 16:11

Hi guys,


today we finished the lesson about your morning routine.
We wrote many possible questions to ask and also some answers.


We added some adverbs of frequency to modulate your answers and started to talk about TV programmes.


Unfortunately, we haven't had time to finish everything that I would have wanted to teach you.

But LUCKILY, I will be teaching catching-up lessons next week (3 hours in a row).



- pour ceux qui seront là la semaine prochaine, il y aura une demi-journée de "rattrapage" pour terminer deux points essentiels du programme et que nous n'avons pas pu aborder cette année, faute de temps (la fin de l'expression des habitudes / parler d'un événement passé et de la famille royale d'Angleterre / et si le temps le permet = conceptualiser le présent en Be + ing).

- je vous conseille vivement de faire quelques travaux de vacances pour bien revoir et ne pas oublier ce qui a été fait cet été. Investissez et faites sérieusement un cahier de vacances "Anglais: de la 6ème à la 5ème". Ca ne pourra que vous être profitable.

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June 24 2013 1 24 /06 /June /2013 10:24

Hi guys,


today we finished the lesson about your routine. You learned the vocabulary about what we do everyday and you created your own jazz chant.


Then we mimed and repeated all the new words to make sure you can remember them.

We finally studied a document from your book entitled: "Every Morning".


Here are some possible questions:

- what time do you get up?

- do you make your bed?

- do you have a shower or a bath?

- how long do you comb your hair?

- where do you get dressed?

- what do you have for breakfast?

- do you go running?

- where do you watch TV?

- what time do you go to school?


En couleur = les questions qui ne demandent PAS une réponse yes / no ... mais une information sur l'heure, la durée, le lieu, quelque chose.



- apprendre les questions, savoir à quelles illustrations elles correspondent, et être capable d'y répondre en disant: "Every morning, I ..."

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June 20 2013 4 20 /06 /June /2013 17:32

Hi guys,


today we talked about your lesson from yesterday about fairy tales with the 3° students. Here is what you said:


The characters:

    - a wolf

    - a little girl

    - a grand-mother

    - a princess

   - a fairy


The story:

   In this story, the wolf is not ferocious but the girl is. She is very naughty. She has got a gun / a pistol; she shoots and kills the wolf.


Favorite stories in the class:

   - Rapunzel: she has long blond hair. She is beautiful. When she sings, she can cure people so that they are not sick. 

   - The Princess and the frog

   - Sleeping Beauty

   - Snow White

   - Beauty and the Beast

   - The "Tap Fairy": it's the story of two sisters. One day, they open the tap and a fairy appears. The fairy gives them a gift. The first one creates diamonds when she speaks while the second one creates snakes!!!


Then in the second part of the class, we continued talking about your morning routine and we learned the jazz chant that could be sung in trios. Good job!


Finally, two pupils (Amina and Kubra) came to the front of the class and performed their own "jazz chant" about the afternoon and the evening. We'll finish this next time.



- bien terminer son jazz chant et penser à la chorégraphie à associer.

- chercher le vocabulaire inconnu de la feuille si nécessaire et l'ajouter à son carnet de vocabulaire.

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June 19 2013 3 19 /06 /June /2013 17:59

Hi guys,


today we first made a short recap in English on the lesson about Dr Seuss's "Fox in Socks".

Then we continued the class with how to express your morning routine with a jazz chant.


You can download the jazz chant and vocabulary here again:




- terminer la création de son jazz chant personnel (sur l'après midi ou la soirée).

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June 17 2013 1 17 /06 /June /2013 15:34

http://mentalfloss.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_640x430/public/seuss-big_12.jpgHi guys,


today we read the end of Fox in Socks.

You can read the whole book on Pronotes thanks to the associated password.

On Wednesday we will write some things about it in your notebooks.


For the moment, we just had time to read and have fun with the many tongue twisters of the naughty cunning fox like: 

Who sews whose socks?

Sue sews Sue's socks!


This fox is very intelligent but quite crazy and it makes Mr Knox grumpy and cross.



- relire le texte "Fox in Socks" depuis Pronotes et préparer quelques phrases à dire sur l'auteur et l'histoire.

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June 13 2013 4 13 /06 /June /2013 11:58



today we first corrected the last part of your test with the "'s" and then we started a new activity with reading a book by Dr Seuss entitled: "Fox in Socks".

Unfortunately, as some of you were not concentrated enough, I had to stop the activity and move on with the lesson.


You had to comment on a picture of the Queen's palace in London. Here is what you said (not in the notebooks yet):


Buckingham Palace:

It's Elizabeth II's palace. It's located in London, in the UK.

The people in red are the guards of the palace. They look like Marge Simpson because they are wearing big hats.




- revoir cette leçon sur internet pour pouvoir bien en parler au prochain cours.

- pour ceux que cela intéressent, vous pourrez bientôt lire l'histoire complète de "Fox in Socks".

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June 10 2013 1 10 /06 /June /2013 10:22

Hi guys,


today we corrected your tests. We haven't finished the two last exercises but the rest is okay now.

Please finish the correction for next time.



- finir la correction du test pour la prochaine fois.

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June 6 2013 4 06 /06 /June /2013 18:01

Hi guys,


today you took your final test from this year in 6th grade.

I'll correct asap.


Take care,

Mr Hattais.

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June 5 2013 3 05 /06 /June /2013 13:53

Hey guys,


today we worked on recapitulating what you had said about the house, the good and bad points. Then you practised reading out loud the dialogue and had to give a special intonation to the agent when she was lying.

She even made a mistake when she pronounced /the/ ... She was embarrassed!


Pronunciation of / the / :

Deux prononciations possibles selon le son qui suit:

Son voyelle = [i]

Son consonne = [ə]


Cela fonctionne de la même façon pour a / an

an = avant un son voyelle

a = avant un son consonne


Finally, the Masons (Julie's family) moved in a new house. We learnt how to describe a bedroom:


a window / a wall / the floor / a carpet or a rug / a cupboard / a desk / a chair / a bedside table / a shelf but 2 shelves / a bed / the curtains

a teddy bear / a doll / an alarm clock / a computer


Where is ... ? / Where are ...? = poser une questions sur où se trouve qqch.

-> Where is Julie's doll?

     Her doll is on the bed, next to the teddy bear.

-> Where are her books?

    They are on the shelves.


Rappel: exprimer l'appartenance avec la laisse du " 's " et le pronom dans la question pour demander "à qui appartient..."

-> Whose computer is it?

    It's Julie's computer. It's her computer.



- devoir de fin de séquence depuis la leçon "Collections".

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June 3 2013 1 03 /06 /June /2013 10:14



today we studied the house on p. 70 of your lesson books. It is Mr Mason's visit of a new possible house for rent. Here is what you said about it:


The Visit

The house has got good and bad points but the woman is lying about the bad points and she is embarrassed

- The house is haunted. There is a ghost in the attic.

- There is an airport behind the house and a motorway next to it. It's very noisy. It's between the airport and the motorway.

- There are not 2 bathrooms upstairs, just one.

-> The agent is crazy. It's not a paradise. It's hell.



upstairs / downstairs

on the 1st floor / on the second floor / ...



- apprendre par coeur la leçon et connaître le nom de toutes les pièces de la maison et le vocabulaire dans l'image. 

1- the hall / 2- the toilets / 3- the kitchen / 4- the dining-room / 5- the living-room / 6- the stairs / 7- the bedrooms / 8- the bathroom / 9- the attic / 10- the garden (a tree) / 11- the clients / 12- a bird / 13 - an airplane / (14-) a motorway

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