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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
June 26 2013 3 26 /06 /June /2013 16:07

Congratulations to Séverin who has won the biggest liar contest with his incredible story...


He's already met the president of Russia and now they are friends. He calls him every Saturday and he has even invited him to go to his villa in Hawaii for the summer...

Of course... :)


I wish you the best for tomorrow and Friday's exams.


Take care,
Mr Hattais.

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June 25 2013 2 25 /06 /June /2013 17:08

Hey guys,


today we finished the activity about how to use an online dictionary.

I hope you will consider using them wisely and not just the integrated translator...

See you tomorrow.

Mr Hattais.

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June 21 2013 5 21 /06 /June /2013 16:50

Hi guys,


today you worked on online translators to see their limits and that you could NOT use them to create an essay but that you could use them to understand the general meaning of a difficult text.

We'll finish this activity next time. 

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June 19 2013 3 19 /06 /June /2013 17:56



today we first worked on recapitulating what we had said about the hippies' wishes. Then you had to create a scene in which a geek would meet a hippie... not very productive...




- vendredi prochain, nous irons en salle informatique pour voir comment fonctionne un traducteur automatique en ligne, ses avantages et ses limites et comment utiliser correcteur orthographique et l'internet intelligemment.

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June 18 2013 2 18 /06 /June /2013 23:03

Hi guys,


today we worked on the end of the song by Sandi Thom: "I wish I was a punk rocker" and we listed all the regrets she mentions in her song and how she wished the world were.


I'll update this post asap with your ideas.


Take care,

Mr Hattais.

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June 14 2013 5 14 /06 /June /2013 17:31




today we first finished an exercise in French and then we moved on with the last document of the year, the song entitled: "I wish I was a punk rocker" by Sandi Thom.


I wish I ... + preterite = wish and regret



I wish I lived a healthy long life.

I wish my parents were not so strict with me.


You can listened to it again below:





- se renseigner sur Woodstock, la révolution "hippie", et être capable de donner 3 à 5 idées / souhaits que le mouvement hippie pronait à l'époque.

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June 12 2013 3 12 /06 /June /2013 17:42

Hi everybody,


today we first worked on the following video which was a good recap of the lessons about Facebook so far.



We commented on it and then we worked in French on some exercises that you could have at your French exam at the end of the month (click to enlarge).




- révisez votre français.

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June 11 2013 2 11 /06 /June /2013 11:37



today we worked on how to write a discussion on Facebook in French and in English.

If you come tomorrow, you had better want to work... or stay home otherwise...


Mr Hattais.

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June 7 2013 5 07 /06 /June /2013 18:10

Hi guys,


today we worked on how to comment on a subjects with personal arguments from the lesson and on how to organize them.

Here is the result of your work today in the form of a mindmap.





- pour la prochaine fois, en français ou en anglais, vous devez rédiger votre argumentation complète (environ 2 pages -- 5 lignes d'intro / 10 lignes par partie / 5 lignes de conclusion)

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June 5 2013 3 05 /06 /June /2013 14:25

Hi guys,


today you had to work in groups on one different newspaper article in each group.

You had to read them and then report your findings to the other groups so as to be able to complete the lesson (worksheet with missing words).


You can read the newspaper articles again here:

- The Guardian

- The Daily Mail

- The Telegraph

- The Sun

- The Mirror

- The Independent


The worksheet here:





- être capable de parler du cas d'Ashleigh à l'oral.

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