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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
June 8 2012 5 08 /06 /June /2012 10:09

http://www.austinkleon.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/how.gifHi guys,


today you had to finish writing the parody of Little Red Riding Hood that you had started last time.


Before that we did an activity (fill in the blanks) where you had to listen to the story being told and complete the transcript.


You can do the exercise again below:


"yet to be uploaded"



- les "master minds" de chaque groupe doivent m'envoyer leur parodie terminée par mail pour lundi soir. De cette façon, je serai en mesure de les corriger et de vous les imprimer pour le lendemain. Nous pourrons alors bien nous amuser pour ce dernier cours à lire les différents contes que vous aurez créés. N'oubliez pas les règles et consignes vues en cours pour réaliser les meilleurs récits possibles (étoffez les adjectifs pauvres ou bien remplacez-les, tout comme les verbes de discours qui doivent être précis, utiles, et "on target"; pensez à bien développer les parties descriptives pour rendre vos récits plus réalistes et détaillés; respectez les règles de la narration et du dialogue anglais).

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June 6 2012 3 06 /06 /June /2012 17:39

Hi guys,


today we first worked on identifying the elements from the original story of: "Little Red Riding Hood".

You can listen to the story here again:

Here is what you said:


Then you had to get together in groups of 4 with one person in charge of one aspect of the narrative to be parodied. WHO (physical portrait in details) / WHERE & WHEN (places and time) / WHAT (actions) / HOW (moral portrait).

The master mind of the parody is the "what" student who will have to think of the elements to be changed for your story to be turned into a fun story.



- pour vendredi: vous devez tous avoir fini votre partie et avoir pensé aux dialogues possibles.

- pour mardi: vous devrez avoir terminé votre parodie. Le "master mind" du groupe sera en charge de la taper et de me l'envoyer par mail le Lundi soir pour 20h.

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June 1 2012 5 01 /06 /June /2012 13:34

Hey guys,


today we first warmed up with two questions that you had to answer freely about fairy tales.

1- How did you get to know your first fairy tales?

2- Why do fairy tales attract children?


Here is what you said:


"to be written by ..."


Then, we continued the class with studying the text again. You had to focus on speech tags, verbs of movement and body language. Here is a selection of set expressions from the text:


"to be written by ..."


Finally, we commented on the story to determine if it was a parody indeed or not. Here is what we said about the twist in the story in the 2nd part: 


"to be written by ..."



- être capable de parler du texte et de l'histoire. Savoir expliquer pourquoi il s'agit d'une parodie.

- faire le surlignage concernant le discours, verbes de movement, actions liées au corps, ... dans la 2ème moitié du texte.

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May 30 2012 3 30 /05 /May /2012 14:34

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-gkWql6LdvMY/Ti3nE6EghCI/AAAAAAAAAWI/EjCmN1PUnjA/s1600/fairy.pngHey guys,


so today we started the last sequence of the year entitled: "Fairy Tales".

Let's hope you'll like it.


We first started to talk about the basic ingredients in such stories. Here are the elements we commented on:

- the structure

- the characters

- the places

- the time

- the feelings and motives that animate the characters

- Some titles in English


Finally, you had to scan (and then read) a text to determine whether it was a traditional fairy tale, a modern version, or a parody.

Here are your conclusions for the summary of the beginning of the story:





- recopier ce texte dans votre classeur.

- être capable de parler de l'histoire et de dire de quelle forme de conte de fées il s'agit en justifiant votre choix.

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May 29 2012 2 29 /05 /May /2012 19:34

http://en.islcollective.com/wuploads/preview/big_49354b4b41ffa30d75_64427668board_game__have_you_ever.jpgHello guys,


today we first worked on remembering the important structure: "Have you ever...?" and its possible answers. I hope you liked discovering interesting stuff about me and about your classmates...


Then we continued the lesson with the correction of your tests.


Tomorrow we will start the last sequence of the year entitled: "Fairy Tales!"


See you then!

Mr Hattais.

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May 25 2012 5 25 /05 /May /2012 17:25

http://www.solarnavigator.net/films_movies_actors/film_images/Harry_Potter_and_the_Philosophers_Stone_Book_J_K_Rowling.jpgHi guys,


today we started to study a new document: a report about the success of Harry Potter.


You can listen to it again below:

"yet to be uploaded"


Here is what we wrote in the copy books today (summary of the content of the audio file + grammar about Present Perfect):


"to be written by ..."



- s'entraîner à prendre la parole pour parler de son expérience (cf. questions du "pair work" à connaître)

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May 23 2012 3 23 /05 /May /2012 14:50

Hello guys,


today was one of the last tests (if not the last one) of the year. Let's hope you will have aced it.


Take care,

Mr Hattais.

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May 22 2012 2 22 /05 /May /2012 18:41

http://www.wpclipart.com/education/kids/happy_good_grade.pngHi guys,


today we corrected the tests you had submitted to me and you compared what you have designed to what I had built up for you.


We finally answered all the questions in the test seeing that you already knew nearly all the answers since you had worked quite well on the text.


Let's hope you've understood alright and you'll ace it tomorrow.


Take care,

Mr Hattais.

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May 16 2012 3 16 /05 /May /2012 19:02

Hi guys,


today after the recap we made about the situation in our text, you had to work in groups of four with a secretary and create a test with different types of exercises about the text we are studying. "You are the teachers!" is the title of the last but one sequence before the end of the year!



- Pour vendredi 18/05/12 dans mon casier: les secrétaires de séances doivent me remettre le résultat correctement rédigé des différents exercises conçus aujourd'hui. Vous devez me fournir 3 exercices différents minimum par mot interrogatif soit au total 15 exercices. Vous devrez également en fournir la correction. Mardi, nous procéderons à l'élection des meilleures exercices, compléterons la correction si nécessaire, et déterminerons le barème.

- Préparez-vous pour le devoir sur cette séquence qui aura lieu mercredi 23/05/12

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May 15 2012 2 15 /05 /May /2012 20:13

Hey guys,


today you first took a short vocab test about the words from possible assignments. I hope you did well as you will HAVE TO be able to use those words correctly and understand them to complete your future test.


Then I gave you a new longer and more difficult text to analyse. You had to identify the main situation (characters and setting), make hypotheses about the emotions of the characters + confirm them thanks to some quotes from the text.



- vous devez être capable de résumer la situtation à l'oral dans le texte, i.e. faites un paragraphe (env. 10 lignes) pour parler de ce que vous avez compris de la situation que vous résumerez en notes afin de NE PAS lire un texte intrégralement rédigé. Vous devez maintenant être capable de parler à partir de notes.

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