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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
February 7 2013 4 07 /02 /February /2013 13:26

Hi guys,


today we first finished writing the weather forecast for Italy and Germany.

Then you had to work in pairs to talk about the weather.



- vous devez rédiger le bulletin météo correspondant à la carte que vous avez créée (= exercice n°4)

- Vous voulez vous entraîner à écouter et parler comme les présentateurs brittaniques? Connectez-vous au site de la BBC ici.

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February 6 2013 3 06 /02 /February /2013 22:59

Hi guys,


today we continued working on the weather in Britain.

We wrote the weather reports for Britain, France, and Spain. We need to finish the ones for Italy and Germany.


In Britain today, it's cloudy and rainy everywhere. But there are sunny periods. It's generally cold in the South and freezing in the North.




- dessiner sur la carte distribuée (Ex n°3, carte de gauche) des symboles pour créer une carte météo. Vous devez placer au minimum des symboles dans 5 pays et établir des différences dans les pays (par exemple: il ne fait pas le même temps au nord et au sud de l'Espagne). Ce travail préparatoire nous sera utile demain en classe pour s'entraîner au bulletin météo.

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February 4 2013 1 04 /02 /February /2013 15:27

Hi guys,


today we continued talking about the weather. We classified the vocabulary into two columns; one with positive words and a second one with negative words.

We tried to associate the words with a similar meaning and antonyms.

Finally, we listened to the first part of this document about the weather in Britain and Europe.

We only had time to talk about the British weather.



- connaître parfaitement le vocabulaire sur la météo (temps et température)

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January 31 2013 4 31 /01 /January /2013 17:25

Hi guys,


today we worked on the correction for your tests first. You need to copy the correction 3 times according to your worksheet.

Then we continued the lesson with the video about the weather again.

You had to tick and add the words you heard and saw in the video.



- classer les mots repérés dans un tableau à deux colonnes. Une colonne pour les mots "postifs" et une pour les mots "négatifs" (positive and negative words).

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January 30 2013 3 30 /01 /January /2013 12:57

Hi guys,


today we finished working on the weather. We first studied a slide show and then we continued the lesson with this video:



We'll write the lesson tomorrow.



- regarder la vidéo et bien connaître tous les mots vus en cours pour désigner le temps qu'il fait (question et réponses).

- faites attention à votre intonation.

- Facultatif mais vivement conseillé: pensez à actualiser votre carnet de vocabulaire et votre tableau phonétique avec les nouveaux mots.

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January 28 2013 1 28 /01 /January /2013 10:35

Hi guys,


today you first took your final test about the lessons: Time and School system in the UK.

Eventually, we started the new lesson about the weather.

At the end of this lesson, you will have to present the weather forecast like the presenters on TV.


See you next time.

Mr Hattais.

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January 24 2013 4 24 /01 /January /2013 17:49

Hi guys,


today was the final lesson about the school system in the UK and about their timetable.

Here is what we wrote:

Lesson: Schedule/ Time Table

School starts at8:50 am(in the morning) with registration. -> Question: "Anyone absent today?"
At9:00 am, it's assembly. -> They sing.
It lasts 30 minutes.

At9:30, it's the first class. It lasts 1 hour.

Then, it's breakin the playground. It starts at10:30 and ends at10:45

Then, it's the second class.

At12:15 pm(in the afternoon), it's lunchtimeat the canteen.

At1:15 pm, it's the third class. It lasts 2 hours.
At3:15 pm, it's the end of the school day.

art / ICT/ science / English / sport...

cheese and onion crisps



- devoir sur l'ensemble de la séquence: "School in Britain" et sur l'expression de l'heure.

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January 23 2013 3 23 /01 /January /2013 13:08

Hi guys,


today we first played a game about how to say the time in English.


The best team scored six thousand five hundred and fifty points (6550). Congratulations to team number 4! I'm sure you can do better at home! Try and tell me your score tomorrow.


Then we continued the lesson with a video. You can watch it again below:



Here are some of the notes we took very rapidly:

8:30 / 8:50 / 10:15 / 3:30

They sing / Art / Break / ICT / Lunch at the canteen / They play in the playground / Science / end of the school day



- préparez-vous au devoir qui aura lieu lundi (sur le temps et l'école au Royaume-Uni).

- Vous pouvez notamment regarder la vidéo à nouveau et préparer son compte-rendu (what is Jamie's timetable?)

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January 21 2013 1 21 /01 /January /2013 10:19

Hi guys,


today we continued to talk about the time.

We corrected your exercise for today and we continued with other activities dealing with "time".



- compléter les deux feuilles de travail.

- préparer le devoir qui aura lieu soit Jeudi, soit Lundi prochain (school system and time).

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January 17 2013 4 17 /01 /January /2013 18:30

Hi guys,


today we first finished completing the worksheet about school in Britain. And you wrote the list of days in your vocabulary notebook:

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday


We worked on pronunciation. We also worked on the pronunciation of topics / subjects in the UK.

Be careful to words like:

history / geography / literature ... in which one syllable is reduced because of the word stress. 


Finally, we began the last activity about "time".



- pour la prochaine fois, vous devrez écrire en toutes lettres les heures qui ont été notées dans le cahier.

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