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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
May 22 2013 3 22 /05 /May /2013 18:02

http://pocketrangerblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/grizzly.jpgHi guys,


today we made a recap of what "Mount Rushmore" is. Then we continued talking about the statues of the presidents.


We reviewed how to say a date (eg: 18/65 ... 19/01 ... ...) "o".

The date of birth and the date of death -> He was born in ... and he died in ...


Finally you had to listen to a document about the presidents' pets. It was strange to hear for example that Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt had 5 baby bears!!!! Can you imagine?! It's crazy. 


A bear is not a pet, it's a wild ferocious animal!!!!!



- se remémorer le nom des animaux de compagnie en anglais (vous pouvez regarder l'unité dans votre livre et vérifier que vous savez dire et bien prononcer les mots de vocabulaire vu aujourd'hui).

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May 22 2013 3 22 /05 /May /2013 17:56

Hi guys,


today we nearly finished talking about Earth Song by Michael Jackson.

We wrote the many reproaches that the singer makes to men that are either explicit or implicit in the song.


How to express reproach = (to) blame (someone) for + V-ing

-> The singer blames men for killing a lot of endangered animals.




- bien apprendre la leçon et être capable de redonner à l'oral sans aucune hésitation au moins 5 reproches faits par le chanteur.

- se préparer au dernier devoir de l'année sur "the environment" (mercredi 29)

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May 21 2013 2 21 /05 /May /2013 17:52



today you were not particularly well-behaved... for god's sake! The end of your term is near and this is the face you want to give your teachers...? What's in your head? Come on!


Anyways... here is what you said and finally had to write down in your notebooks:


At 4:00 pm, Samuel Mason called the governor.
Then a visitor arrived at the mansion.
The governor may have been killed between 7:30 and 8:00.
He must have been stabbed but he can't have been poisoned because there was a puddle of blood.
After the crime, Inez Olson called the emergency. Then Liddy Hamilton, the detective arrived. She inquired and asked questions to 3 suspects.
Finally, she went back home. At 3:00 am, she called MacCoy to get an arrest warrant. She knew who the killer was.



a mansion = a very big house



must / may / might / can't = auxiliaires modaux de probabilité (must = le plus certain / can't = l'impossible)



- apprendre la leçon.

- terminer la fiche du détective que vous n'avez pas terminée.......

- se préparer pour le contrôle final de mardi 28/05/13

- ordonner son cahier (qui sera ramassé pour les volontaires)

- lire la fiche de compétences (collée au début du cahier) pour voir sur quels axes vont être orientés les prochains cours afin de valider votre A2 (pour valider l'obtention de votre brevet).

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May 21 2013 2 21 /05 /May /2013 17:46

Here is what we did today:

1- Superlatives:


2- The best jobs in the world




Fiche de travail à compléter (colonnes: job name / picture / location / map) = couper - coller les éléments au bon endroit:

1- Job description: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0ByO5vN8drFEdTmVYaTF2MFVHSkE/edit?usp=sharing
2- Video: http://youtu.be/GcCXPO68_CU?t=21s
3- Map of Australia: http://goo.gl/maps/sE1iO



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May 21 2013 2 21 /05 /May /2013 17:39

http://www.marketing-chine.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/marketing-on-line.jpgHi guys,


today we went to the computer room and you had 2 activities to complete:


First Activity (Superlatives) - How to talk about Australia and put the country on a "podium".

Click here


Second Activity (The Best Job in the World) - Fill in the gap exercise: "Analysis of the phenomenon by the media".

Click here



- vous pouvez refaire les exercices en ligne à nouveau.

- pour les absents: faire les exercices. Ecrire les 11 phrases de l'exercice 1 dans son cahier une fois que vous avez trouvé la bonne réponse. Il s'agit de la correction d'une partie de votre dernier devoir sur l'Australie.

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May 21 2013 2 21 /05 /May /2013 17:30

Hi guys, 


today we first tried to work on your song: "What do you do in the evening?" but nobody wanted to share what they had done so let's skip it... too bad for you...

Here is what we finally said:


Morning routine:

(What) do you (do) in the morning?


-> avec un mot interrogatif, on recherche une information précise (qui, où, quand, comment, à quelle heure, combien de temps, ...)

-> DO = an activity


-------> Ex: What time do you get up in the morning?

------->       Do you make your bed?

------->       Do you have a shower or a bath?


Attention, si le sujet change (he / she), l'auxiliaire doit prendre la marque "s" de la 3ème personne du singulier.

-> What time does she get up in the morning?



- spend (time) = passer (du temps)

ex: How much time do you spend in the bathroom?


Finally, I asked you questions about your morning routine and you had to answer. You had to remember who does what in the morning... Do you have a good memory...? Let's see this tomorrow!



- apprendre la leçon et corriger le devoir rendu pour améliorer les notes qui sont parfois TRES mauvaises...

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May 17 2013 5 17 /05 /May /2013 17:04

Hey guys,


today we first made a recap of the situation in the text and then, we worked on identifying the alibis of the suspect and we saw that none of them could really stand.

Here is what we said:

Inez Olson may have killed the governor because she didn't like him. She says he wasn't kind.

Samuel Mason may have murdered him. His alibi is strange. He says he wasn't watching TV or listening to the radio but Hamilton could hear music upstairs.


7:30 - 8:00 = time of the murder

4:00 = telephone call


Finally, you took a lesson and vocabulary test.



- finir de remplir la fiche du détective. Aidez-vous du cours pour les parties pour lesquelles vous avez le plus de mal.

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May 17 2013 5 17 /05 /May /2013 11:45



today we first spoke about Arno and Enzo's best places to visit: 


Enzo thinks Narbonne beaches are the best place to visit. There are the most beautiful landscapes he has ever seen.

Arno thinks Rome is the most lively city has ever visited. There are the most interesting monuments in the world.


Then we watched the video which promotes the competition for the best job in the world with Ben, the former winner. This year, there are 6 contracts to win.

We talked about the missions of these contracts and you will have to apply at the end of the lesson.





- visionner la vidéo et être capable de donner les intitulés des contrats. Vous devez également être capable de parler des missions relatives à ces contrats et dire en quoi ces emplois sont vraiment "the best jobs in the world".

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May 17 2013 5 17 /05 /May /2013 11:40

Hi guys,


today you had to work on creating a jazz chant for the evening routine.

You worked on vocabulary, rhythm and pronunciation.

At the end of the class, we also modified the second jazz chant to sing in trios so that the person in the middle could be a boy.

We saw we had to change 3 things:

- she -> he

- her -> his

- the verbs with he / she get an "s" for the 3rd person singular.



- apprendre son jazz chant par coeur et mémoriser la chorégraphie (claquement de doigts et mimes). Votre performance sera enregistrée, et notée. Le plus grand sérieux et le plus grand enthousiasme sont donc à prévoir... 

- apprendre le jazz chant à chanter à 3 par coeur également (avec "she" ou avec "he" au choix).

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May 17 2013 5 17 /05 /May /2013 11:37

Hi guys,


today we worked on the song by Michael Jackson again. We finished commenting on the colours and we made an analysis of the actions, places and animals before the natural disasters and after (after the war too).



- bien réviser votre vocabulaire de la séquence et les idées de la chanson pour vendredi prochain (25/05). Vous aurez votre contrôle de fin de séquence sur le thème de l'environnement et de l'urgence. 

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