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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
May 7 2013 2 07 /05 /May /2013 16:22

Hi guys,


today you took a 40-minute test about the lesson.

I'll try to correct it during the mini-holidays we have tomorrow and Thursday.


Until then, take care.

Mr Hattais.

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May 6 2013 1 06 /05 /May /2013 21:02

Hi guys,


today we first made a recap about the prepositions of place and the vocabulary of the bedroom.

Then we corrected the pair work about the two bedrooms.

Questions in "Where is / are ...?" and answers in "It is ... / They are..." + prepositions.


We also clarified the necessary vocabulary for the pair work (an umbrella, a doll, ... etc).



- devoir sur les prépositions de lieux et le vocabulaire spécifique (chambre / collections / objets communs).

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May 6 2013 1 06 /05 /May /2013 20:57



today we listened to Zach, an English pupil making a presentation about Australia.

You had to identify some facts about the country, cities, people, ...


-> Grammar: le superlatif = la marque "the ... -st" vient de "first". Il s'agit d'un classement à établir parmi des "concurrents".


Sydney is the largest city in Australia but it's not the capital city.

The Dijeridoo is probably the most ancient musical instrument in the world.





- devoir de leçon, connaissances, et document inconnu sur le thème de l'Australie.

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May 6 2013 1 06 /05 /May /2013 20:51

Hi guys,


today we worked on the recap of the lesson about the thief and the socks. Then we learned the dialogue p. 52, acting it out in front of the class (underlining important elements to remember for each role).


WHOSE vient de WHO = on ne fait que lui ajouter la "laisse du S" pour parler de l'appartenance.



- Lundi 13 Mai 2013 = Connaître le dialogue par coeur (tous les rôles, car votre rôle sera tiré au sort). Entraînez-vous à parler avec aisance et avec la bonne prononciation. Pensez à apporter des accessoires pour pouvoir jouer le dialogue au mieux.

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May 1 2013 3 01 /05 /May /2013 17:42

Bonjour à tous,


voici une série d'activités conçues à partir de la chanson: "When Will my Life Begin?" tirée du film: "Tangled" (Raiponce). http://agoofyidea.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/rapunzel.jpg

Cliquez sur le personnage à droite pour y accéder.



Mr Hattais.



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April 19 2013 5 19 /04 /April /2013 16:49

Hi guys,


today we first corrected the vocabulary exercises you had to complete with the help of your text.

Then we made hypotheses about its content thanks to these only words.

Here are some things you said:

The text may be about a governor who died because he had a lot of influence in the senate. He was the favorite candidate and his enemy (maybe his assistant) murdered him. There were TV and radio interviews about his murder.


-> His assistant may have murdered him.

-> He may have died because he was too powerful.



- pour la rentrée, vous devez avoir surligné votre texte avec des couleurs selon les informations recherchées (characters in red = les perso en rouge; places in blue = les mentions de lieu en bleu; time references in green = toutes les références au temps en vert).

- Vous pouvez également commencer à remplir la fiche du détective pour réussir à résoudre l'énigme du crime.

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April 19 2013 5 19 /04 /April /2013 16:30

Hi everyone,


today we finished talking about Ben's video. Here is what we said about it:


Ben was a candidate for the best job in the world in Australia, in 2009. This year, six candidates can win the competition.

Job Description:

- You have to take pictures, write a blog, and promote Australia's landscapes and culture.


Necessary qualities:

- You have to be adventurous. If you are adventurous, "crazy", and energetic, you can take sensational pictures that are difficult to take and that are worthy of a good pay (= valuable).

- You have to be sociable, talkative, and a great communicator.


Ben's experiences:

- He has already snorkelled and scuba-dived. He has also bungee-jumped = He is adventurous.

- He has already written newspaper articles. So that's positive for his application because he has to write a blog.



- a resume

- an application

- an applicant = a candidate for a job

- (to) apply for a job

- a vacant position



- connaître la leçon par coeur (savoir parler du "best job in the world" et expliquer pourquoi la vidéo de Ben a été sélectionnée) et se préparer à un contrôle de vocabulaire et connaissances depuis le début de la séquence.

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April 19 2013 5 19 /04 /April /2013 16:24

Hi guys,


today we first corrected the worksheet about the vocabulary in the song (natural environment and prepositions of place). Then we repeated the prepositional choreography. Let's hope you will remember correctly after the holidays!


Then we continued with another activity. How to describe your bedroom (and Sophie's bedroom too).

Here is some important vocabulary that was difficult for you to remember:

- a cupboard with clothes

- the blue curtains around the window

- the bedside table next to the bed


Finally, you did a pair work in which you had to find the objects from each other's worksheet.



- s'entraîner à poser les questions pour savoir où sont les objets dans la chambre.

- savoir donner les réponses concernant les objets qui sont déjà dessinés dans la fiche (en utilisant les bonnes prépositions de lieu. IN / ON / UNDER / IN FRONT OF / BEHIND / NEXT TO / BETWEEN).

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April 19 2013 5 19 /04 /April /2013 16:21

Hi guys,


today was dedicated to the correcting, pronouncing, and recording of your emergency calls.

I'll correct them asap and post them on Green Peace USA's facebook page. Maybe our class will become famous... who knows...?


Enjoy your holidays. As for those who haven't done their recordings today for any reason, they need to send it to me by email over the holidays.



- envoyer son fichier son (appel d'un animal aux urgences) sinon vous ne serez pas notés... voire pire...

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April 18 2013 4 18 /04 /April /2013 17:22



today was a very bad day for some of you... unfortunately, you behaved really bad once again and the result was that many of you have been punished. And I will continue punishing you until you understand the rules alright.


While some of you had fun painting to illustrate their story (congratulations to Elif who did a particularly good job for her story and painting), the others had to take a test about Australia.


You can't be proud of your behaviour. Out of 20 pupils, how many will still need to be excluded...?

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