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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
October 3 2012 3 03 /10 /October /2012 13:48

http://ddata.over-blog.com/3/18/86/31/3eme/EURO/American-Elections/00-understanding-the-issues.JPGHi guys,


today we began the lesson with a short recap of Eva Longoria's speech. Then I gave you some documents to study in groups about the different issues of the campaign and the two main candidates' proposal.

Here is what you wrote about them:


Barack Obama - The 5 issues

Health Care:

He wants everybody to be able to see a doctor for free.
He believes it's necessary to protect consumers from insurance abuse.


He wants to stop some defense programs because they are very expensive.
He believes that citizens must pay only for what they really need.
He would like to stop the war in Israel.
He wants to work with China and Russia to stop the developing of Iran's nuclear weapon.
He wants to stop the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.


He wants to help students who can't afford college and develop new programs for them with more science and technology, engineering and maths. 
He wants to improve early education for children.
He wants teachers to have better training and better salaries, a reward for their hard work. 
He wants hardworking foreign students to be able to have the American nationality.

Economy and jobs:

He wants to create a plan to boost the economy. He wants to help small businesses and save 1 million jobs.
He has ideals: he wants to create more manufacturing jobs, cut tax for small businesses, make Wall Street more responsible.


He wants millionaires and billionaires to pay more taxes.
He believes families earning more than $225,000 a year should pay more taxes.


Mitt Romney - The 5 issues

Health Care:???

He supported the war in Iraq and wants American soldiers to stay in the Middle East.
He wants to spend more in the military.


He wants parents to have more choices in their children's education.

Economy and jobs:

He wants to have less regulation over the economy and make the USA more competitive.
He will try to boost the economy and encourage growth.

Taxes: ...?


You can dowload the documents about all the different topics of the campaign here:

http://ddata.over-blog.com/3/18/86/31/3eme/EURO/American-Elections/defense.JPG http://ddata.over-blog.com/3/18/86/31/3eme/EURO/American-Elections/economy-and-jobs.JPG http://ddata.over-blog.com/3/18/86/31/3eme/EURO/American-Elections/education.JPG
http://ddata.over-blog.com/3/18/86/31/3eme/EURO/American-Elections/taxes.JPG  http://ddata.over-blog.com/3/18/86/31/3eme/EURO/American-Elections/health-care.JPG  



- apprendre cette leçon = connaître parfaitement et savoir dire au moins 5 proposition de la campagne des deux candidats (= 10 au total). Bien sûr, connaître TOUS les points de TOUS les candidats sera sûrement un plus pour vous.

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October 3 2012 3 03 /10 /October /2012 13:38

http://www.pca.state.mn.us/artwork/kids/cricket1.jpgHi guys,


today we first made a vocabulary recap about vegetables and classified them into 3 categories ("transparent", "compound", "other").

Then we continued the lesson with this question: "How often....?" = frequency

You had to describe your typical menus for the different meals of the day:

- for breakfast

- for lunch

- for tea time

- for dinner


Echelle des adverbes de fréquence:



Finally, I asked you to invent "Mr Crazy's menus" for every moment of the week.


Mr Crazy often has cabbage and snakes for breakfast.

He hardly ever has milk or cereals. It's disgusting!

You have to finish this activity at home.



- sur feuille, vous devez décrire les repas un peu fou de "Mr Crazy". Vous devez faire 5 phrases par moment de la journée et varier l'utilisation des adverbes de fréquence. Au total, vous devrez donc produire 20 phrases. Ce travail sera ramassé.

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October 3 2012 3 03 /10 /October /2012 13:23

http://tc-media.explorra.com/e6e/88d/%7Be6e88dce-68fc-4f4e-b8b0-d8260ec63c04%7D.1463449184_bf470328d0_b.jpgHey guys,


today we first corrected the exercices you had to complete for today. Shame on those who haven't done their homework, partially or totally...


Here is the correction:

- This morning I haven't eaten yet.
- Yesterday, I didn't eat anything during the whole day.
- I haven't liked English classes so far.
- When I was in 6th grade, I hated English. 



6th grade = classe de 6ème (freshmen)

You are in 9th grade or you are "seniors" (3ème).


In the second part of the hour, you had to complete this test:




- écrire 5 phrases en anglais pour répondre à la question suivante:

  What super power would you like to have? Why?

- vous pouvez trouver une liste illustrée de super pouvoir ici pour enrichir votre vocabulaire.


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October 3 2012 3 03 /10 /October /2012 13:18

Hi guys,


today you had to recap what we said about classroom English last time and copy the lesson in your copybooks. Here it is:


Problems ---> Solutions

I can't see the board.
-> Can you switch on the lights?
-> Could you step aside, please?  


I have a stomach ache / a head ache.
-> Can I go to the nurse, please?


I'm hot.
-> Could you open the window?
I'm thirsty.
-> Can I get some water, please?
I'm cold.
-> May I put on my coat?


-> May I get a tissue? / 
-> Can someone give me a tissue?


I don't understand.
-> Can you explain, please? 



- recopier les phrases écrites dans le cahier sur votre marque-page sans faire d'erreurs dans les cases correspondant aux situations.

- apprendre le nouveau vocabulaire et actualiser votre carnet.

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October 2 2012 2 02 /10 /October /2012 16:04

http://content.answcdn.com/main/content/img/wiley/visualfood/_Intro/49972-LegumesMontage.jpgHi guys,


today you had to work with separate documents but with the same goal: reading a text and finding new vocabulary.

You did quite a good job on the whole and understood a lot of things. Here is the lesson you wrote down:

Lesson: Techniques de compréhension

- les mots transparents
ex: asparagus -> Je reconnais le mot français: "asperge"

- la déduction
ex: parsnip / turnip -> Je reconnais le mot français le plus proche dans la liste: "panais"; j'associe panais et "navet" qui sont des légumes racines proches.

- la composition des mots
cauliflower -> je reconnais le mot "flower"

egg plant -> quel légume peut ressembler à "une plante oeuf"...?
red-skinned potatoes -> je lis les mots composés de droite à gauche (des pommes de terre à la peau rouge).
- indiquer pour chaque légume quelle technique vous avez utilisée pour trouver sa traduction. Mettez cette indication sur votre feuille de travail (Orange, Purple, White, Red, ...).
- apprendre la leçon et le vocabulaire.

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October 2 2012 2 02 /10 /October /2012 15:56

http://www.pca.state.mn.us/artwork/kids/cricket1.jpgHi guys,


today we first did a quick recap of last time's lesson and you gave me what you thought was "Mr Crazy's typical menu". Here is what you finally decided to say:

Lesson: Mr Crazy's habits

His favorite food:

Mr Crazy always has jelly fish and flowers for breakfast.
He sometimes has pumpkin too.

He often has crickets and crocodile for lunch.

For tea time, he hardly ever has orange juice. He prefers flags!

He usually has a soup of snakes with cabbage in the evening for dinner.



- juicy
- crispy / crunchy.


Then we continued the class with some advice from the American government aimed at parents and children to have healthy habits about food and sport.

You can read the document here again: SHOULD / SHOULDN'T




- apprendre la leçon.

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October 2 2012 2 02 /10 /October /2012 15:45

Hi guys,


today after doing a quick recap and lesson check, we continued the class with the final recording about Zorbing to determine if it is a safe or dangerous activity.

You can listen to the document here again:


Here is what we said:
Lesson: Zorbing, safe or dangerous?

Velocity Record: 50 kph
Normal Velocity: 25 kph
50 KPH is the fastest a zorb has gone so far.
It's not very dangerous.
There haven't been accidents yet.
You are protected when you are inside the ball and with a safety belt.
There's no big risk.

Grammar: Le present perfect
- HAVE (au présent) + V (p. passé)
- Les déclencheurs du Present Perfect:
      not... yet
      ... so far.
The class has not been very quiet so far.


- traduire les 4 phrases suivantes:

Je n'ai rien mangé depuis ce matin.
Hier je n'ai rien mangé de la journée.
Jusqu'à présent je n'aime pas l'anglais.
Quand j'étais en 6ème, je détestais l'anglais.

- test de connaissances sur "Zorbing"

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October 2 2012 2 02 /10 /October /2012 15:26

http://www.islamophobiatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/spelling-bee-logo.jpgHi guys,


today was the first school spelling bee at Joliot Curie. I hope you enjoyed it!

Some of you were not very convincing though... I really thought you would do better and I'm a bit disappointed.

I know you can do MUCH BETTER...


See you next time,

Mr Hattais.

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October 1 2012 1 01 /10 /October /2012 14:40



today you first had to work on finishing your "Classroom English Bookmark". I can't say that you did a good job... for those who will have to do it all over again, you can download the bookmark and the "solution" here again.


Then we continued the class with a lesson about "Class rules and orders". Here is the list of vocabulary that you need to remember:


- sit down / have a seat

- listen

- read (the text)

- put up your hand

- open your books / close your books

- look at the board

- take a pencil

- write (your name)

- be quiet / hush!



- c'est demain mardi 02/10/12 qu'aura lieu votre "Spelling Bee", à la fois compétition et évaluation. Alors préparez bien vos rôles et révisez tous les mots de la liste, leur prononciation et leur définition. Une erreur, et le concours s'arrête pour vous. Une bonne présentation et 4 mots épelés d'affilée sans erreur, et c'est gagné!

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October 1 2012 1 01 /10 /October /2012 10:38

Hi guys,


today I first checked that you knew your green vegetables vocabulary alright. Then we continued the lesson with a lesson quiz about the poster "Eat your Colours everyday". The results are quite poor... you need to learn your lessons better! Come on! It's EASY!!!


Then we moved on with another activity to see what your usual menus are (in the morning for breakfast, at midday for lunch, in the afternoon for teatime, and in the evening for dinner).


Here is what we said:

Lesson: How often do you ...?                = Frequency

ex: How often do you have oranges?
I always have oranges for breakfast.
I have orange juice everyday in the morning.  

I sometimes have oranges for lunch.
I often have oranges for tea time.

I hardly ever have oranges for dinner.

L'adverbe se place avant le verbe.

- always
- usually
- often
- sometimes
- hardly ever
- never


- Imaginer les menus fous de "Mr Crazy". Choisissez une ou plusieurs plages horaires et créez le profil de qqn qui a des habitudes alimentaires plus que bizarres... Pensez à utiliser autant d'adverbes différents que possible dans vos phrases (entre 5 et 10).

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