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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
March 16 2012 5 16 /03 /March /2012 13:05

Hey guys,


today we finished talking about India with the different presentations from your classmates. Some of them were quite good indeed and most of you finally did a good job even if it should be smoother next time.

We also corrected your vocabulary exercises. Here is the correction:




p54 n2

a. burden

b. shame / second class citizens

c. bring up / dowry

d. take measures

e. put an end to

f. outnumbers

P53n 1


- ban

- curse

- household chores

- submissive

BUTS (Goals):

- be on an equal footing

- eradicate prejudices

- get a fair deal

- have the same opportunities

- to improve people's education


- campaign for / against

- (to) tackle a problem / (to) address an issue




- préparez-vous pour le test écrit de fin de séquence sur l'Inde (lundi 19 mars de 10h à 11h en salle 728).

- pour ceux qui n'ont pas pu faire leur présentation (pb de temps ou d'absence), merci de vous enregistrer et d'ajouter le son (votre voix en commentaires) sur le powerpoint corrigé que je vous ai renvoyé et de me le remettre lundi sur clé USB.


Here are two quite interesting powerpoint about India that you made:

Jazila and Nabila's presentation:





Cécile and Mélanie V.'s presentation:




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March 16 2012 5 16 /03 /March /2012 13:00

Hi guys,


today you had to listen and participate in a presentation and a debate about whether tattoos and piercings were body art or simple mutilations. Hope you've learnt lots of things.


Here is the document that I used today and that will help you finalize your answer to that question:






- pour mardi, vous devez rédiger l'argumentation suivante: "Do you think that tattoos and piercings are body art or mutilations?" (200 words); vous devez vous servir de tous les points abordés en classe aujourd'hui pour faire une réponse complète à ce sujet, et n'oubliez pas d'inclure mots de liaison (structurez votre essay -> INTRO / DVPT / CCL) et nouveau vocabulaire.

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March 15 2012 4 15 /03 /March /2012 18:17

Hi guys,


today you first did quite a good recap of yesterday's lesson; then we started a new topic listening to this document that you understood quite well: 



Here is what we said about it:

"to be written by..."


Finally, you worked in groups on a set of documents dealing with the evolution of Afro-American music through history. Here are some of the notes you took: 


"to be written by ..."



- finir la préparation du rapport pour le groupe 5 et 6.

- être capable de parler de n'importe quelle partie (1 -> 4) et la commenter.


More information about... Billie Holiday's biography down here (document #6):

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March 15 2012 4 15 /03 /March /2012 18:13

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_blbECmUhyi0/TFc5y52rXUI/AAAAAAAAAHw/123Jy9JoY4s/s1600/Bookmark+Blog_Maus+II.jpgHi guys,


today we first made a quick recap of what we had said so far about "Maus" last time and we continued our work on the comic strip with the class divided into 6 groups.

I hope you had fun reading, understanding, and completing Holly's activities.


For next time, you need to be prepared to talk about your document - description, narration, and analysis.



- finir le compte rendu à présenter par groupe.

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March 14 2012 3 14 /03 /March /2012 15:17

Hi guys,


today was the last lesson before your test. Let's hope you will succeed!


Here is the quiz we took in class today and that you can do over again to practise. You will have some of the questions from this quiz in your test on Friday and other questions too... So get ready!



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March 14 2012 3 14 /03 /March /2012 15:03

Hi guys,


today was the last lesson before your test. Let's hope you will succeed!


Here are some important words to remember from your presentations organised according to same pronunciation:


Wyoming          mammal       bear        famous

Idaho                 animal          square    lake

Climate             Canada                         Maid of the Mist

Geyser              Inhabitant

Hydro electric

(to) hike



Other words (often mispronounced):

grizzly / coyote / oscar / world / fall / Los Angeles / park / river / tourism / Hollywood

Here is the quiz we took in class today and that you can do over again to practise. You will have some of the questions from this quiz in your test on Friday and other questions too... So get ready!



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March 14 2012 3 14 /03 /March /2012 14:35

Hi guys,


today we studied the video below made by British Indian comedians to make fun of the way English people behave in Indian restaurants in Britain.


You can watch it again below:




Here are the notes we took on the board (copy them down in your copybooks):


savoury / sweet

spicy / bland

Meat: chicken, beef, pork (galmon steak), sausages, sheep stomach, ...

Vegetables: leek, tomatoes, carrot, egg plant, peas, cabbage, lentils, lettuce, ...

Starchy foods: mashed potatoes, baked beans, chips, ...

Fish: eel, scampi / prawn, ...

Fruit: pineapple, berries, ...

Dairy products: butter, cream, ...

Spices: curry, ...


Behaviour of the customers at the restaurant:

They don't respect the waiter (they touch his buttocks, they call him Jame-ass, they make fun of him, ...). They are disrespectful and even racist (they make jokes about the waiter's skin colour, they talk about the size of his penis, ...)

They don't know what they are ordering (they order too much food [24 plates of chips], they say they want scampi and prawn cocktail which is the same thing, they are exited over bread and butter, ...)

They emphasize their Indian accent (rolled "r" and pronunciation mistakes [steak and kidney pie, for instance], ...).

They are extremely rude (they burp, they are already drunk and sleeping, they ask for things to be left aside [they call it "crap"], they talk about going to the toilet, they want to have a competition to see who can have the "blandest thing on the menu", they get angry even if the waiter is very well-behaved...)


-> This is a very funny parody of British people going for an Indian except that here everything is reversed / turned upside down; the tables are turned.


More information about...

... Goodness Gracious Me here

... typical English dishes here and Scottish dishes here.

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March 14 2012 3 14 /03 /March /2012 14:30

http://www.cooknutri.com/wp-content/uploads/haggis1.jpgHi guys,


today we first made a quick recap of all the ingredients mentionned yesterday during Holly's about typical English food.

Here is what you wrote in the several categories:




meat (steak, kidney, pork, sausages, mutton, stomach, mutton, lamb, chicken...)

fish (eel...)

starchy foods (chips, mashed potatoes, baked beans, ...)

vegetables (peas, French beans...)

fruit (pineapple...)

dairy products (cream...)




Then we continued the presentations about India. We will finish them next time, i.e. you will have your test probably on Monday.



Notez bien à nouveau que  

vous aurez cours CE LUNDI 19 Mars de 10h à 11h en salle 728

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March 13 2012 2 13 /03 /March /2012 19:40

Hi guys,


in the first part of the lesson we tried to finish correcting your mock exams.

Here is what we wrote about the text and about the ideas + link words that you needed to use for the writing part:


"to be written by ..."


Then in the 2nd part of the hour, you had to present your silly immoral games and some of you did do a pretty good job. I will upload their presentation as soon as possible here.


"yet to be uploaded"



- finir la correction de l'expression écrite 'Lettre'

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March 13 2012 2 13 /03 /March /2012 19:39

Hi guys,


today we continued the presentation of some important touristy places in the US from Niagara Falls to Hollywood.


You will be taking a quiz tomorrow about those presentation to see what you have remembered from them.


See you then.

Mr Hattais.

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