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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
November 28 2012 3 28 /11 /November /2012 14:50

Hi guys,


today we finished working on the text about "Squanto". Here is what we said:



He was a teacher:

-> He taught the pilgrims how to plant corn.

He was a helper:

-> He helped them where to catch fish.

He was a guide:

-> He guided them where to hunt.

He was a friend:

-> He reconciled the Native Americans with the Pilgrims.


He was the creator of Thanksgiving.


  • plant / grow / harvest

  • hunt / catch fish

  • Pilgrim / Native American

Then we continued the lesson with a presentation of modern Thanksgiving traditions. We had time to speak about:

- Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New-York City.


- Black Friday.














We'll finish this next time.



- connaître les questions du quiz par coeur et être capable d'y répondre par une phrase longue sans hésitation.

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November 28 2012 3 28 /11 /November /2012 14:47

Hi guys,


today you had to go in front of the class and play the roles of either a tourist or a customs officer at the customs and immigration desk.


Nice work for almost everyone!





- pas de travail particulier pour la prochaine fois. Profitez-en pour actualiser votre cahier et carnet de vocabulaire.

- pensez également à faire signer votre devoir pour ceux qui auraient oublié.

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November 28 2012 3 28 /11 /November /2012 14:43

Hi guys,


today we finished trying to understand how to use the two tenses in English.

We completed your worksheet and we made a quick recap of what you had to know before your test.

Finally, I revealed the mystery picture to you. An old photo of New York City taken from the harbour with a view on the Statue of Liberty.




- test de fin de séquence sur les super héros (vocabulaire, grammaire, phonétique, méthode, ...)

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November 27 2012 2 27 /11 /November /2012 19:44

Hi guys,


today we finished talking about the health quiz and you agreed with nearly all the questions included.

You practised answering these questions with a full answer. You had to be careful where to place the adverbial complement.


How often do you do sport?

-> I do sport once a week. (complément rejeté en fin de phrase)
-> I often do sport. (complément avant le verbe)


Download the worksheet here again:

addres book


Recap: Les mots interrogatifs

- how many hours / how many times / ...
- how long ...
- how often ...
- what sport / what vegetables ...
- which fruit / ...
- who
- when

-> les mots interrogatifs peuvent se combiner avec d'autres mots (ex: hours) pour apporter une précision à la question.



- apprendre par coeur les questions de la fiche et être capable d'y répondre sans hésitation par une phrase longue.

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November 27 2012 2 27 /11 /November /2012 19:35

Hi guys,


today we finished working on the questions of the quiz about health.

addres book


Then we continued the lesson about Thanksgiving, studying the text about Squanto.

We focused our attention on the verbs in the preterite (past tense), both on regular verbs (with /ed/) and irregular verbs (without /ed/).


You had to classify the verbs according to their pronunciation.

Here is what you could have written:

Squanto was a Native American. He was from the Patuxet tribe.
He had many roles for the pilgrims:

- he was a helper = he helped them to catch fish.
- he was a guide = he showed / he guided them where to hunt.
- he was a teacher = he taught them how to plant corn.
- he was a friend = he reconciled the Native Americans and the Pilgrims.









Irregular verbs

- come -> came
- be -> was / were
- teach -> taught




- être capable de parler des rôles de Squanto.

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November 27 2012 2 27 /11 /November /2012 19:33

Hi guys,


today we corrected the worksheet I gave you to finish the lesson about "The Obamas" and "Activities you can do and you like doing".

You can download it again here:




- bien apprendre la leçon et la partie "Summary" doit être sue par coeur.

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November 27 2012 2 27 /11 /November /2012 19:28

Hi guys,


today we studied some grammar (once in a while... it can't hurt, can it?).

We determined the construction and also the use of the two present tenses in English.

You will need to be able to choose the correct tense (and the correct form of the verb) for:

- The description of actions in a picture (Present Be+ing)
- The narration of events (Present Simple)


You can dowload the worksheet here again:




- vous devez terminer la page 3 de cette feuille pour demain et/ou la corriger si vous l'aviez déjà faite auparavant à la lumière du cours de ce matin.

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November 26 2012 1 26 /11 /November /2012 13:58

Hi guys,


today we started the lesson with a recap about the different activities that we had seen yesterday.

You need to remember their spelling and pronunciation.


Then we finished the lesson with a "who's who" game. You had to find the secret identity of 5 students in the class. Congratulations! You unveiled everyone's mask! Nobody can be a gangster with you!


Finally, I gave you a recap worksheet to work on until the end of the class.



- finir ou faire les exercices 1, 2, 3, et 3. (oui... il y a deux exercices n°3... sorry...).Vous pouvez essayer de terminer la fiche en entier si vous voulez. A télécharger ici à nouveau si besoin.


- je contrôlerai également les cahiers de ceux qui devaient le refaire pour demain.

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November 26 2012 1 26 /11 /November /2012 10:42

Hi guys,


today we did a follow-up lesson about Thanksgiving traditions today. In groups, you had pieces of a puzzle to assemble and then keep secret for the class to guess. You had to make at least 5 sentences about those pictures.

They were all different and all about an important modern Thanksgiving tradition: 

- Macy's Parade in New York City.


- Black Friday, the day of sales just after Thanksgiving.


- Thanksgiving football match and special commercials.





- vous devez répondre à l'enquête distribuée. Vous pouvez ajouter jusqu'à 4 questions pour compléter le questionnaire.

- vous aurez bientôt un test de connaissances sur Thanksgiving...

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November 26 2012 1 26 /11 /November /2012 10:32

Hi guys,


today we dedicated the lesson to rehearsing your roles for the pair work about travelling to an English-speaking country.

We also paid attention to the way questions were to be asked = either with a falling intonation (down) or rising intonation (up).

Here is the rule:

- lorsque la question commence par un mot interrogatif comme "where" / "when" / "How long" / ..., l'intonation descend. ex: "Where are you from?"

- lorsque la question commence par un auxiliaire comme "be" (conjugué), "do", "may", "can", ... l'intonation monte. ex: "May I see your passport, please?"


You need to know by heart the meaning of your WH- words:

who / where / when / what / how long / how many / ...



- corriger le devoir obligatoirement si vous avez eu moins de 20/40 et facultativement si vous avez eu plus. Utiliser une feuille séparée pour la correction et écrire toutes les réponses en s'aidant du cahier si besoin.

- préparez votre jeu de rôle. Répétez bien les deux rôles et faites attention à la prononciation des questions quand vous répétez le rôle de "customs officer".

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