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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
May 13 2013 1 13 /05 /May /2013 16:03

Get prepared!!!!


You only have tonight to review your classes and to train to be the best for the Big Challenge!





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May 13 2013 1 13 /05 /May /2013 13:25

Hi guys,


today today we finished reading the complete story of Mr Fox, his socks, the box and Mr Knox... and many of their other adventures... :)

Hope you had fun with these tongue twisters and that you will be better at prepositions and pronunciation...

Here are some words and tricks to remember:


- laugh



- crow










- lick














-> Tout ces mots sont des mots qui évoquent ce à quoi ils font référence par leur prononciation. C'est donc important de bien les prononcer car on voit ou plutôt on entend le mot en les disant.


You can train and try again at home (click below and enter the password you have in your homework in Pronotes):






- pas de travail sauf pour Rayan qui doit terminer ses exercices supplémentaires.

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May 13 2013 1 13 /05 /May /2013 13:20

Hi guys,


today you had to perform and act your parts in front of the camera. No need to repeat that this was NOT a good job on the whole... COME ON!!!! To act, you need to know your part!!!!


Finally, as we had time, we went over the lesson again and made a recap of the different possible questions:

                    = on cherche...

Who              ... une personne
Whose          ... une personne à qui qqch appartient

Where           ... un lieu

When            ... un moment

What             ... une chose
What time...  ... l'heure

How               ... une manière, façon
How many...  ... un nombre

Why               ... une raison



- bien connaître la valeur des mots interrogatifs vus en classe.

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May 13 2013 1 13 /05 /May /2013 13:12



today we first made a recap about why Sydney was a unique place to visit. Then we continued the lesson with a new recording about Jack who was calling his mother. Here is what we said:


Jack is calling his mom. He is studying in Melbourne (Australia) for 6 months and he is telling about the country. He is enthusiastic.

He has been to Sydney. It's the coolest city he has ever visited.

He has bee to the outback. Uluru is the most beautiful site he has ever seen. It's gigantic.


Vocab and phono: mots en -ic = accent de mot sur l'avant-dernière syllabe.

- enthusiastic

- gigantic

- terrific

- fantastic

- energetic



the... -st + present perfect

-> permet d'établir un "podium" d'après une expérience.



- Ecrire un paragraphe de 5 à 10 ligne sur un endroit unique vous avez visité et qui vous a marqué. Expliquez pourquoi.

- Préparez-vous à un contrôle de vocabulaire / leçon pour la semaine prochaine, en particulier sur les activités que l'on peut faire en vacances en Australie.

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May 10 2013 5 10 /05 /May /2013 16:38

Hi guys,


today we first talked about your holidays and my trip to California too.

You can see some pictures here:



Then we continued the lesson with the analysis of the text. You had to recap what we had said before the holidays about the situation and analyse the places and characters more.


Here are some notes about the characters:

- Liddy Hamilton (the detective)

- Inez Olson (the housekeeper / servant / maid) - a suspect

- James (Jim) Shepard (a political enemy) - a suspect

- Samuel Mason (an ally) - a suspect

- Robert (Bob) Cole Kelner (the dead governor) - the victim

- Mac Coy ....?


We also mentionned that the scene takes place in 3 different houses: the victim's mansion and the politicians' homes.



a clue

a suspect

an alibi

the murder weapon




- être capable d'expliquer en 2 minutes la situation globale dans le texte (qui, où, quand, quelle relation entre les personnages, quelles sources de suspicion possibles).

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May 10 2013 5 10 /05 /May /2013 11:47



today we worked again on Sydney to determine why it was a place worth visiting. We studying a leaflet from a tourist information booth and here is what we said:


- Sydney is the largest and the oldest city in Australia.

- Its harbour (with the Opera house) is one of the most beautiful sites in the world.

- The beaches of the Eastern and Southern coasts are the most beautiful in Australia.

- There are the largest ocean baths on Earth in Australia.



The ...-st : adj. court (max. 2 syllables avec son suffixe)

ex:   the oldest ...

         the sunniest ...

The most ... : adj. long (tous les autres)

ex:   the most ancient...

         the most populated ...



- connaître parfaitement la leçon.

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May 10 2013 5 10 /05 /May /2013 11:39

Hi guys,


today we first corrected your test from last time. We also reviewed how to use the different question words such as:

WH   -> Pour chercher...

who -> une personne

whose -> une personne à qui qqch appartient

where -> un lieu

when -> un moment

what -> une chose, une action

how -> une manière, une façon, ...

how many -> un nombre

why-> un raison


Finally we started a new activity about "Dr. Seuss's Fox in Socks", a great funny book for children, full of prepositions and tongue twisters!

Here is some more information about Dr Seuss.



- pas de travail particulier sinon les révisions des leçons depuis le début de l'année en particulier pour ceux qui participent au Big Challenge mardi prochain. 

- Profitez-en pour mettre à jour la présentation de votre cahier et de votre carnet de vocabulaire.

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May 10 2013 5 10 /05 /May /2013 11:26

Hi guys,


today we first described a picture of trees, probably from the Amazon rainforest. We analysed what the colours and constrasts evoked.

Then we began to watch and study the video clip from the song entitled "Earth Song" by Michael Jackson (the colours and the contrasts too). Here is what we said:


How to express opposition and constrast = WHEREAS / WHILE / UNLIKE


* Happy memories are in colour whereas sad memories are in black and white.

* Unlike dull memories (which are in black and white), happy memories are in colour.

* While dreadful memories are in black and white, happy memories are in colour.


-> Atmosphere: the colours (red / black / ...) evoke the end of the world (the ........................). It means we will never see life again. It's our future if we don't care about our planet. These images can become true.



Nature -> the rainforest (the tropical jungle) / the wild (wild trees and animals).

Destruction and war -> smoke (fire) / fumes (factory) / bulldozer

Contrast -> There is an opposition between bright and dull colours.



- revoir cette leçon et la recopier en entier si ce n'est pas le cas dans votre cahier.

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May 7 2013 2 07 /05 /May /2013 16:26

Hi guys, 


today we first made a quick recap of what we had said about Australia before the holidays and then we moved on with a lesson about the "top" things in Australia thanks to a report / presentation made by an English student about the country.


Remember = the ...-st / the most ... = the first on the podium!



__________________ : the most ancient musical instrument in the world.

__________________ : the smallest continent on Earth.

__________________ : the most populated city in Australia.




- apprendre la leçon et être capable de donner les mots manquants dans les "podiums" écrits dans le cahier (= compléter la leçon).

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May 7 2013 2 07 /05 /May /2013 16:24

Hi everyone,


you took a test today about Australia during the whole hour.

Unfortunately, as many of you haven't paid attention to English classes lately, I doubt you will score good marks...


For future reference, studying takes time, self-involvement and honesty...


See you on Friday.

Mr Hattais.

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