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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
May 21 2013 2 21 /05 /May /2013 17:52



today you were not particularly well-behaved... for god's sake! The end of your term is near and this is the face you want to give your teachers...? What's in your head? Come on!


Anyways... here is what you said and finally had to write down in your notebooks:


At 4:00 pm, Samuel Mason called the governor.
Then a visitor arrived at the mansion.
The governor may have been killed between 7:30 and 8:00.
He must have been stabbed but he can't have been poisoned because there was a puddle of blood.
After the crime, Inez Olson called the emergency. Then Liddy Hamilton, the detective arrived. She inquired and asked questions to 3 suspects.
Finally, she went back home. At 3:00 am, she called MacCoy to get an arrest warrant. She knew who the killer was.



a mansion = a very big house



must / may / might / can't = auxiliaires modaux de probabilité (must = le plus certain / can't = l'impossible)



- apprendre la leçon.

- terminer la fiche du détective que vous n'avez pas terminée.......

- se préparer pour le contrôle final de mardi 28/05/13

- ordonner son cahier (qui sera ramassé pour les volontaires)

- lire la fiche de compétences (collée au début du cahier) pour voir sur quels axes vont être orientés les prochains cours afin de valider votre A2 (pour valider l'obtention de votre brevet).

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