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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
June 4 2013 2 04 /06 /June /2013 17:32



today we worked on another potential risk on Facebook when you post something you shouldn't.

Here is the video we watched:




You commented on it and decided that it was a risk indeed and that we should pay attention to what we post on the Internet.



- pas de travail particulier sinon connaître les idées abordées dans la leçon.

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May 29 2013 3 29 /05 /May /2013 12:50

Hi guys,


today we continued talking about the song "Add me as a friend". We didn't have time to write anything for the moment but you did talk quite well and understood the song very well.


Congratulations! It's a shame though that nobody wanted to be filmed during the lipsync of the song... too bad... ;(


We'll finish analysing the song next time.

Until then, you can listen to it again below:



Take care,

Mr Hattais.

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May 28 2013 2 28 /05 /May /2013 16:35

Hi guys,


today you had to complete your final test about detective stories.

I hope you did understand the most important information... but I doubt it seeing how you lacked self-confidence and you didn't even try to answer some of the questions... argh!


See you tomorrow for the rest of the class about this weird guy who is asking for friends on Facebook...


Take care,

Mr Hattais.

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May 24 2013 5 24 /05 /May /2013 14:21

Hi guys,


today we first finished the sequence about crime. We read 3 detective reports from the class and you elected the best one before I revealed the real killer.

Good job to all those who tried to say things today and who have tried throughout the sequence.


Then we started the last sequence of the year about "social networks" with pictures and a rather weird but lively song.


Here is what you said about it:

"yet to be written"



- devoir final sur la séquence "Crime".

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May 22 2013 3 22 /05 /May /2013 18:22

Hi guys,


today we finished talking about the inquiry of Liddy Hamilton and the governor's murder.

We drew the crime scene and explained the first part of the text thanks to this activity (the study, French doors behind the desk that are ajar, a carpet, a victim lying in a puddle of blood, the papers in disorder on the desk, ...)


Finally, you worked in groups to write the final report of Liddy Hamilton, the one in which she asks McCoy (the D.A.) to get her an arrest warrant.


We'll correct this next time and start the last sequence of the year.



- pas de travail sinon celui de se préparer au contrôle de fin de séquence sur l'unité "crime". Il aura lieu mardi 28/05.

- nous démarrerons la dernière séquence sur les réseaux sociaux. Cette séquence permettra de valider les compétences qu'il reste à valider pour cette fin d'année.

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May 21 2013 2 21 /05 /May /2013 17:52



today you were not particularly well-behaved... for god's sake! The end of your term is near and this is the face you want to give your teachers...? What's in your head? Come on!


Anyways... here is what you said and finally had to write down in your notebooks:


At 4:00 pm, Samuel Mason called the governor.
Then a visitor arrived at the mansion.
The governor may have been killed between 7:30 and 8:00.
He must have been stabbed but he can't have been poisoned because there was a puddle of blood.
After the crime, Inez Olson called the emergency. Then Liddy Hamilton, the detective arrived. She inquired and asked questions to 3 suspects.
Finally, she went back home. At 3:00 am, she called MacCoy to get an arrest warrant. She knew who the killer was.



a mansion = a very big house



must / may / might / can't = auxiliaires modaux de probabilité (must = le plus certain / can't = l'impossible)



- apprendre la leçon.

- terminer la fiche du détective que vous n'avez pas terminée.......

- se préparer pour le contrôle final de mardi 28/05/13

- ordonner son cahier (qui sera ramassé pour les volontaires)

- lire la fiche de compétences (collée au début du cahier) pour voir sur quels axes vont être orientés les prochains cours afin de valider votre A2 (pour valider l'obtention de votre brevet).

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May 17 2013 5 17 /05 /May /2013 17:04

Hey guys,


today we first made a recap of the situation in the text and then, we worked on identifying the alibis of the suspect and we saw that none of them could really stand.

Here is what we said:

Inez Olson may have killed the governor because she didn't like him. She says he wasn't kind.

Samuel Mason may have murdered him. His alibi is strange. He says he wasn't watching TV or listening to the radio but Hamilton could hear music upstairs.


7:30 - 8:00 = time of the murder

4:00 = telephone call


Finally, you took a lesson and vocabulary test.



- finir de remplir la fiche du détective. Aidez-vous du cours pour les parties pour lesquelles vous avez le plus de mal.

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May 15 2013 3 15 /05 /May /2013 13:49

Hi guys,


today you first copied the lesson from last time after making a quick recap. Then you worked in groups to try and find the alibis of the suspects and say if they were solid or if they didn't stand.


Here are some of your ideas:

Inez says she was watching TV in her room when the governor died. She heard a noise; so she is a possible witness. Her alibi is not solid because there isn't anyone to confirm it.


Samuel says he was at home when the governor died. He was watching television too. He says he is a political ally but recently he has had problems with the governor. They have been in a competition for a job.


James says he was reading his mail and that he was on the telephone with Robert. That's why he had his name in his calendar. He also says he has been sick and has stayed in bed for days. Maybe there are clues in his bin.



- préparez-vous à tirer les conclusions qui s'imposent quant aux suspects. Il faut trouver le coupable!!!! et avoir les bonnes raisons de l'inculper.

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May 14 2013 2 14 /05 /May /2013 15:49

Hi guys,


today we first made a quick recap of what you had said about the characters in the story. We added information about Mc Coy who is the "assistant DA" = Distric Attorney. He is like the boss of Liddy Hamilton.

She says "sorry" on the phone because she is calling him late at night. It's 3 am (in the morning) and she must be waking him up. But she thinks she has found the culprit. She has had a revelation, a flash.


Then you had to give ideas to commit the perfect crime, like in a TV series. Here are the ideas that came up:

For the perfect murder, you need the perfect plan:

- an alibi

- an ally or an accomplice (to accuse later)

- a good timing

- you mustn't leave clues (DNA, finger prints, noise, you should wear gloves, ...)

- nobody must see the scene = you must eliminate the witnesses

- a good murder weapon (poison, a gun with a silencer, ...)


Finally, I tested your awareness. You had to find the culprit in the following video... You were so concentrated on their alibis that you didn't see the scene had changed...! ahah! :)


Here is what you said: The Alibis of the suspect

When the master died, ...

      ... the man was buttering scones in the kitchen. He could have poisoned him.

      ... the young woman was polishing the brass in the bedroom. She was cleaning a brass pot. She could have cracked his head.

      ... the old lady was planting petunias. She could have hit him on the head too.


-> The culprit is the old lady because her alibi doesn't stand. She is lying. You don't plant petunias before May.



- a suspect

- a culprit

- a victim

- a witness

- a murder weapon

- an alibi

- clues



- être capable de parler du meutre parfait et de la vidéo.


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May 10 2013 5 10 /05 /May /2013 16:38

Hi guys,


today we first talked about your holidays and my trip to California too.

You can see some pictures here:



Then we continued the lesson with the analysis of the text. You had to recap what we had said before the holidays about the situation and analyse the places and characters more.


Here are some notes about the characters:

- Liddy Hamilton (the detective)

- Inez Olson (the housekeeper / servant / maid) - a suspect

- James (Jim) Shepard (a political enemy) - a suspect

- Samuel Mason (an ally) - a suspect

- Robert (Bob) Cole Kelner (the dead governor) - the victim

- Mac Coy ....?


We also mentionned that the scene takes place in 3 different houses: the victim's mansion and the politicians' homes.



a clue

a suspect

an alibi

the murder weapon




- être capable d'expliquer en 2 minutes la situation globale dans le texte (qui, où, quand, quelle relation entre les personnages, quelles sources de suspicion possibles).

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