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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
March 20 2013 3 20 /03 /March /2013 12:12

Hi guys,


first I checked your homework and I have to admit I was quite disappointed to see that many of you had not done it... This is not helping your group...


Anyway, we continued the lesson with the listening of 2 job interviews for a position at a supermarket. The first applicant was the best one certainly because he had some experience and many qualities.


Here is the important information to remember:




- Pour le prochain cours, essayez de vous souvenir de quelques points positifs et / ou négatifs concernant les 2 candidats et nous noterons ce que vous vous rappelez dans les cahiers. Vous pourrez bien sûr vous aider du blog pour retenir les informations principales.

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March 13 2013 3 13 /03 /March /2013 16:43

http://markblackspeaks.com/wp-content/uploads/astronaut.jpgHi guys,


today you worked in groups to correct your homework and improve it and also to train to speak for your job interviews.

Finally, there were 4 candidates who applied for the job of "Astronaut for the NASA":


Socheat is our new Neil Armstrong. Congratulations!

He got the most important number of votes from our jury.

Don't forget, to talk about experiences = HAVE + p. passé.


Good job on the whole even if you still need to train more but you're getting somewhere!



- En raison d'une formation, je ne ferai pas cours ce vendredi. Cela vous laisse donc 1 heure de libre où vous pourrez réviser ensemble vos entretiens d'embauche pour qu'au prochain cours vous soyez fin prêts!

- N'oubliez pas non plus de continuer à réviser vos verbes irréguliers car vous aurez un contrôle sur la liste complète dans 2 semaines (après le voyage en Italie).

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March 12 2013 2 12 /03 /March /2013 14:47

Hi guys,


today I first explained the new system and how to earn and lose points. Let's hope it will motivate everyone to speak. So far, it's been awesome! Let's keep it that way!


You had to recap last time's lesson (before the holidays) about experiences.

You had to use the correct question to ask for an experience (Have you ever ... + p. passé) and the prompts for the answers. 


Have you ever travelled to the UK?

Yes, I've already travelled to the UK.


Have you ever worked under a lot of pressure?

No, I've never worked under a lot of pressure.


Have you ever taken care of babies?

Yes, I've often taken care of babies.


Have you ever been to the USA?

Yes, I've been to the USA twice.



- dans la fiche distribuée, sélectionnez un métier (chaque membre de votre maison doit avoir choisi un métier différent). Vous devrez:

1- Rédigez l'annonce possible avec les obligations de l'employé (ex: you have to get up at 5 a.m.)

2- Faire la liste des expériences nécessaires à avoir pour décrocher un tel poste

3- Faire la liste des qualités nécessaire pour le poste = mettez-vous en valeur pour avoir les meilleures chances d'être recrutés.

4- Illustrer l'annonce de votre métier par un dessin ou une photo imprimée.

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February 20 2013 3 20 /02 /February /2013 13:12

Hi guys,


today we first talked about the students who were absent because they went skiing. Lucky ones!

I discovered that many of you had never skiied before but that everyone knew how to use a sleigh.


Then we finished talking about Chris's emotions (why he is proud and exhausted at the end of his day).

You wrote a paragraph about the Present Perfect in context (+ use of "already" / "never" / "ever" / "a few times"). 


Finally, I gave you two documents:

- Information about obligation (difference have to / hast to / must)

- Exercices.



- faire les exercices 1 (vocabulaire) et 2 (grammaire) de la fiche.

- réviser pour un contrôle de leçon sur "Everybody hates Chris".

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February 19 2013 2 19 /02 /February /2013 11:22

Hi guys,


today we made a recap of what you had learned about Chris in the episode and we reviewed some vocabulary and structures.

We talked about Chris's obligations because of the job and why it was difficult / hard for him.


Remember = HAVE TO / HAS TO + Base Verbale -> exprime l'obligation (liée à des contraintes extérieures).


Then we finished talking about his emotions and explaining why he felt such and such a way. Here is what we began to say:

- He is disappointed because he has saved up only $25 but his leather jacket costs $50. It's more expensive and he needs to work more.

- He is also satisfied because he has earned money and he has seen his father is actually cool.

- He is proud because ...

- He is exhausted because ...



- apprendre la leçon (why is the job difficult? + emotions of Chris at the end of the day)

- vous aurez un devoir de leçon ce vendredi.

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February 15 2013 5 15 /02 /February /2013 17:16

Hi guys,


today after a rather rough start because of some of your classmates, you could finally watch the end of the episode.


Here is what we said:

The solution ->

Chris has to work with his father. He has to deliver newspapers all over NYC.
It's a very hard job:

- ...

- ...

- ...

- ...

- ...

Chris is a loser. He has saved up money ($50) to buy the leather jacket, but the jacket isn't on sale anymore. So he needs to save up more money.



(to) oversleep

(to) save up

Even if ...

pocket-money / an allowance



- apprendre la leçon et la compléter (expliquer pourquoi c'est un travail difficile). 

- finir de compléter la fiche guide.

- Vous pouvez regarder l'épisode complet en 2 parties ci-dessous:

 Part 1


 Part 2

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February 13 2013 3 13 /02 /February /2013 12:50

Hi guys,


today we first talked about your visit to the job fair of Eurexpo and then about the ways YOU (teenagers) could have to make money.

Then we studied this extract from this famous TV series:



Here is what we said about it:


New Sequence: Part Time Jobs


The document is an extract from a TV series: "Everybody Hates Chris".

The scene takes place in Brooklyn in the 1980's.

A boy (Chris) wants to buy aleather jacket because he wants a new style to be loved by girls but he doesn't have money. The clothes is expensive.

So maybe he will do a part time job to buy the jacket. The jacket is very cool and fashionable. Everybody in the district has a jacket because it's stylish.



- good-looking = fashionable = stylish

- expensive ≠ cheap

- to buy ≠ to sell



- connaître la leçon par coeur + nouveau vocabulaire.

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February 12 2013 2 12 /02 /February /2013 11:30

Hi guys,


today you worked on the final test about immigration. You first had to listen to a document and write a recap in French of what you could understand.

Then some vocabulary and cultural questions.

And finally a letter to write.


Let's hope everything went alright.

See you tomorrow for the beginning of the new sequence about... ... ....? Suspense...!

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February 6 2013 3 06 /02 /February /2013 22:50

Hi guys,


today you first had to answer the final questions of your worksheet ("29 questions to become an American citizen"). 

Then we continued the lesson with creativity. You had to invent a story based on the picture of this woman:


You did quite a good job!


Here is what you said:

The story of an immigrant:

Her name is Francesca Indiana. She arrived in the USA at 28 in the 1920's. She came from Roumania. She travelled with her 2 children but she left her father behind and her husband died.

When she separated from her family she was sad. She immigrated because she wanted to have a job and a lot of money. She wanted to start a new life.

Her journey lasted 20 days. During the travel, she met a man called Jacob.

She wasn't in good health because she lived and slept in horrid conditions. It was difficult because she didn't know how to speak, and write good English.


Irregular verbs in the preterite:

come / leave / be / meet / sleep



- devoir de la séquence "immigration" le mardi 12/02/13:

   * Lettre à rédiger
   * Questions culturelles
   * Vocabulaire
   * Compréhension Orale

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February 5 2013 2 05 /02 /February /2013 11:59

Hi guys,


today we worked on the final lessons about immigration to the USA before the test.

We worked on:

- the preterite in context

- an extract from an article (wikipedia)

- the questions immigrants were asked when they wanted to enter the US



- finir la fiche de questions (être capable de répondre à toutes les questions en moins de 2 minutes; faire des recherches si besoin pour trouver les informations manquantes).

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