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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
October 2 2012 2 02 /10 /October /2012 16:04

http://content.answcdn.com/main/content/img/wiley/visualfood/_Intro/49972-LegumesMontage.jpgHi guys,


today you had to work with separate documents but with the same goal: reading a text and finding new vocabulary.

You did quite a good job on the whole and understood a lot of things. Here is the lesson you wrote down:

Lesson: Techniques de compréhension

- les mots transparents
ex: asparagus -> Je reconnais le mot français: "asperge"

- la déduction
ex: parsnip / turnip -> Je reconnais le mot français le plus proche dans la liste: "panais"; j'associe panais et "navet" qui sont des légumes racines proches.

- la composition des mots
cauliflower -> je reconnais le mot "flower"

egg plant -> quel légume peut ressembler à "une plante oeuf"...?
red-skinned potatoes -> je lis les mots composés de droite à gauche (des pommes de terre à la peau rouge).
- indiquer pour chaque légume quelle technique vous avez utilisée pour trouver sa traduction. Mettez cette indication sur votre feuille de travail (Orange, Purple, White, Red, ...).
- apprendre la leçon et le vocabulaire.

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September 27 2012 4 27 /09 /September /2012 18:01

http://www.unsv.com/voanews/specialenglish/scripts/2011/10/23/0040/couch-potato.jpgOnce more today was quite chaotic... You need to change attitudes and really behave, otherwise you won't make any progress. And don't blame your teacher... only blame yourselves for not profitting from what I could give you.


Here is the lesson for today that you had to copy without understanding properly... what a shame!

Lesson: Green vegetables.

I don't like vegetables in general.
I have never had silverbeet before.
So I don't know if I like it or not.
I know I don't like celery and I never have it.
Only my parents have vegetables.

Vocabulary: Do the exercise here again and make sure you know the words in English and French.



- contrôle de vocabulaire et de leçon depuis le début de l'année incluant également les deux dernières leçons sur le poster "Eat your colours everyday" et les légumes verts.

- faire signer par vos parents et corriger le devoir que je vous ai rendu sur une feuille à part. Si ceux qui ont la mention "Please Do Over" en rose sur leur copie ne me rendent pas le devoir corrigé, ils écoperont en plus de leur mauvaise note d'un zéro supplémentaire... Seule la correction pertinente des devoirs permet l'élimination d'une mauvaise dans la moyenne au cours du trimestre. Si vous respectez ce contrat, j'enlèverai la plus mauvaise note de votre trimestre de la moyenne. Saisissez la branche qui vous est tendue pour vous rattraper.

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September 25 2012 2 25 /09 /September /2012 15:59

Hi guys,


today we started to study a new topic: Health and Sports.

We analysed an ad campaign from New Zealand to talk about the problem.



Here is the lesson:

The document is a campaign. It is a poster.
It depicts / represents a woman in the middle.
She is eating salad.

In the top left-hand corner, there is the slogan: "Eat your colours everyday".
At the bottom, there is the caption: "5 + a day". The goal is to encourage people to have healthy habits.


Choreography: Localiser un élément dans une image.

On the right / On the left
At the top / At the bottom
In the middle / In the background



- apprendre la leçon.

- connaître parfaitement la "chorégraphie des prépositions" ON / AT / IN

- Attention, si les personnes qui sont interrogées ou qui se portent volontaires ne connaissent pas parfaitement leur leçon, vous serez mis en devoir.

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September 20 2012 4 20 /09 /September /2012 17:34

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September 19 2012 3 19 /09 /September /2012 13:33

http://www.gavitptsa.org/images/picture.jpgHi guys,


today we first reviewed how to express what you like and dislike in English and then you took your final test for this sequence.


Let's hope your marks are not going to be too low.

Unfortunately, your behaviour still needs improvement...



- réviser votre leçon, en particulier, comme graduer l'expression de vos goûts en anglais.

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September 18 2012 2 18 /09 /September /2012 17:39

Hi guys,


today was the last lesson before your test for the 1st sequence of the year (how to talk about yourself).

We reviewed how to compare to things / people together.


There are 3 possibilities:

- more ... than ... / ...-er than ...

- less ... than ...

- as ... as ...



Alice is more talkative than Tom.
She is nicer than Harvey.


Michael is less hardworking than Peter.


Terence is as shy as Paul.



- réviser en vue du test (vocabulaire de la personnalité [adjectifs] / exprimer un degré à l'aide d'adverbes / les structures avec "... too" et "not ... either." / le comparatif / les expressions du goût)

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September 13 2012 4 13 /09 /September /2012 18:07

Hi everyone,


today we talked about your ideal teacher. We tried to compare him/her with students from this chart to see who he/she would be most alike.



Think about "graduation des adjectifs" + "too / not... either" not to repeat yourself.

You said you would like your ideal teacher to be extremely patient and nice too but not very hard-working or talkative either. It would be cool if he were also a little clumsy.

Next we talked about your tastes and activities you like doing or that you don't like doing.


Click here to see the pictures of all the activities we commented upon: 



We wrote some grammar rules in the note book when you speak about taste:

Les verbes de goût (ex.: like) sont toujours suivis d'un verbe en -ing.


I like playing soccer.
I don't like going to the dentist's.



- p. 17 de votre livre. Faire 10 phrases au total pour dire ce que vous aimer faire ou pas. Vous devez utiliser toutes les structures présentes au moins une fois (aidez-vous des vignettes au centre du coeur p. 17 pour parler de vos activités préférées).

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September 12 2012 3 12 /09 /September /2012 13:07

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-TPaxAsyjiY4/TgoRFytvmXI/AAAAAAAACfk/rapbSgsz_z4/s1600/GarfieldLazy.jpgHello guys,


your attitude is absolutely horrible. You really need to improve it. There will be consequences for some of you already but many more if you continue to chat. You'd better stop it soon, I'm warning you.


We only managed to write two small sentences in the lesson. That's a shame...


They are not hard-working at all and they are not patient either.

He is shy and lazy too.



- Décrivez la personnalité de votre professeur idéal (environ 10 lignes) et justifiez (= expliquez pourquoi il doit avoir cette personnalité).

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September 11 2012 2 11 /09 /September /2012 14:49

Hello guys,


useless to say that you behaved in a way that was profitable for no one and the result was: I was forced to give a surprise test on "how to introduce yourself"... Pathetic!


Then, after correcting your homework exercise, we continued the lesson with an audio document entitled: "Summer Review". You had to identify words within the document and therefore the possible topic.

You can listen to the document here again:

Here is the list of words you got:

1- David Cameron / fire/ Prime Minister

2- wife / visit / hospital

3- Olympic Games

4- 3 members / 2 years / president

5- speech / no one (x3) / country /

6- Neil Armstrong / first man / go to the moon / engineer / astronaut / died / date: 19....?




- se décrire (personalité) en graduant les adjectifs. Pour cela, aidez-vous du bas de la page 16 de votre livre (not ... at all, not very..., a little..., ...)

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September 6 2012 4 06 /09 /September /2012 16:53

Hi guys,


today was our first class together. I unfortunately had to be quite severe with you since some of you didn't behave properly or didn't try to speak English. As I told you before, it's an ENGLISH class and you need to speak... ENGLISH...!

Let's hope you will have understood my point of view and that some of you will be less aggressive next time...


Here is what we managed to do: identify which adjective belonged to which character in your books (p. 16).


You can do the exercise again here:





- écrire la leçon dans le cahier en associant le nom d'un personnage à une qualité (ou défaut) en fonction de l'image.

- choisir au minimum 3 adjectifs de cette liste qui s'appliquent à vous et dire pourquoi. Préparer votre intervention à l'oral.

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