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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
October 24 2012 3 24 /10 /October /2012 15:30

As your behaviour still hasn't improved, you had to take a test today... Here is what you had to do:


Complete the lesson with the possible missing words:

The document is _____1______from New Zealand.
It's a _____2______to encourage people to eat 5 pieces of _______3_______and fruit a day.

The picture ______4______ a green kiwi and a woman eating salad (a mix of _____5_____ and tomato).

The goal of the campaign is to promote ______6______habits.

I don't ____7_____ vegetables in general. I have never had silverbeet _____8______
So I don't ______9______ if I like it or not.
I know I don't like ______10_______ and I never have it.
Only my parents have vegetables.

The document is a _____11_____
It is a _____12_____. It depicts / _______13________ a woman in the _______14______
She is eating _____15_____



- mettre à jour vos cahiers et votre carnet de vocabulaire.

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October 23 2012 2 23 /10 /October /2012 17:01

Today, you took a new lesson test about the classes you have had since the beginning of the year.

Then I gave you a methodology worksheet to complete at home.




- pour ceux qui n'ont pas pu terminer le travail supplémentaire à finir en classe (lettres manquantes à replacer), il faudra me rendre cette fiche demain mercredi 24/10/12.

- pour mercredi 24/10/12 également, pour tout le monde, vous devez compléter les amorces de phrases dans la fiche "Methodology" distribuée aujourd'hui en vous aidant de l'affiche imprimée sur cette même fiche. Vous pouvez rédiger soit directement sur la feuille soit en utilisant une feuille séparée. Nous procèderons à la correction demain mercredi en classe. Téléchargez la fiche si besoin ici.


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October 18 2012 4 18 /10 /October /2012 16:24

Hi guys,


today was an awful lesson where you all behaved very badly... what is it with you guys......?


We managed to correct a part of your exercises and then you had a lesson test about health, sport, and how to give advice.



- mardi 24/10/12: devoir de connaissance sur les leçons et vocabulaire depuis le début de l'année.

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October 17 2012 3 17 /10 /October /2012 14:11

Hi guys,


today we finished studying Michelle Obama's campaign about health and sports. Here is the transcript you wrote in the lesson:

    Experts tell us that kids need 60 minutes of activity a day to grow up healthy. And we know that regular physical activity boosts kids' concentration and creativity. And it is even linked to improve academic performance.

    Best of all, moving around is just plain fun. And one of the most fun ways to get moving is by exploring America's great outdoors. No matter where you live, there are places near you to get out and get active: from biking around your neighborhood to playing tag or capture the flag in an urban park, from hiking on a mountain trail to paddling around a lake or catching an early morning wave.
    The great outdoors is America's first and best playground. So what are you waiting for? Grab a backpack and get moving outside with your family today.

    For more information on where to go and what to do outside, visit letsmove.gov


a piece of advice = un conseil   /  advice = des conseils
a piece of fruit = un fruit   /   fruit = des fruits


Finally, we started a grammar exercise about how to give advice. Click below to do it again:




- sur feuille, faire les exercices p. 31 du livre (n°1 / n°2 / n°3).

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October 16 2012 2 16 /10 /October /2012 15:46

Hello everyone,


today we first corrected your exercises for today about advice and reproaches to your families.

Here is what some of you said:

- My brother should behave correctly at school.
- My family should learn doing more sports.
- Kids shouldn't do the household chores.
- Parents shouldn't go to work everyday to be with their children.
- They shouldn't limit my TV time.
- If I do my homework, they should give me a gift.


Then we continued watching the video of Michelle Obama's campaign: "Let's Move". You can watch it again below:





- faire les exercices en ligne ici.


- une fois l'exercice terminé, inscrivez votre nom et votre score dans le formulaire suivant puis validez:

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October 11 2012 4 11 /10 /October /2012 17:08

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-IrNZ4lj-PDQ/UAj-Dp17eFI/AAAAAAAAANE/VotaqV1SXtc/s1600/advice.jpegHi guys,


today we first worked on recaptilating yesterday's lesson. You had some difficulties but many tried to remember anyway... You should learn your lessons BETTER! Come on!

Then we continued with a memory exercise. You had 3 minutes to look at some sentences, understand them and memorize them. In the end here are the sentences you made:


The family should spend time together with a family park day.
Parents should involve the family in household chores.
The family should celebrate special occasions with sport, like volleyball, a hike, or a  frisbee match.
Parents should issue a family sport challenge.



Attention à bien construire une phrase! Il faut toujours pour donner un conseil:


L'auxiliaire pour le conseil = SHOULD
L'auxiliaire pour le reproche = SHOULDN'T

NB: le mot "advice" n'est pas comptable en anglais comme "fruit" ou "vegetables". On doit ajouter l'expression: "a piece of..." pour compter les unités si besoin.

Ex: two pieces of advice / 5 pieces of fruit



- bien apprendre toutes les leçons sur "Let's Move" ( = comment présenter un document et le décrire, + structures du conseil/reproche, phrases faites en cours, nouveau vocabulaire). Il y aura sans doute un contrôle.

- faire 3 phrases exprimant un conseil et 3 phrases exprimant un reproche concernant sa famille (réelle ou imaginaire).

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October 10 2012 3 10 /10 /October /2012 14:18

Hi guys,


we're progressively getting there! You are understanding the class better and better and your behaviour's improved tremendously. There are still some efforts to be made on your part. I'm thinking mostly about Ayed, Yasin, and Yasser for today... So BE CAREFUL...


Here is the document we studied today and the lesson we wrote:



1) Kids should participate in physical activity for at least an hour a day.
2) People should take the stairs instead of the elevator.
3) Parents should limit TV time and keep the TV out of their child's bedroom.
4) Families should walk around the block after a meal.
5) Parents should make new house rules.
6) The family shouldn't sit during television commercials.

Exprimer le conseil = SHOULD + BV
Exprimer le reproche (conseil négatif) = SHOULDN'T + BV


Extra Vocabulary: (revoir les 3 techniques de compréhension principales et les combiner si besoin pour élucider les mots non connus, sans dictionnaire)

spend time / household chores / yard work / hike


Bonus time:
This document is an ad taken from Michelle Obama's website. It's the logo and the slogan: "Let's Move" in blue and red. It encourages children and people in general to have healthy habits. It urges people to do sports and to eat well-balanced meals with fruit and vegetables.



- apprendre la leçon.

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October 9 2012 2 09 /10 /October /2012 14:35

http://www.musicalnews.fr/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Lets-Move-Logo.jpgHi guys,


today we first corrected your exercise about healthy menus. Here are some important words to remember:

- a well-balanced menu / a healthy menu

- ham = meat = protein

- cereals = grain

- milk = dairy product

- apple crumble = sugar

- pasta = starchy food


Then we continued the lesson with the presentation and short description of the Let's Move logo. Here is what you said: 

This ad campaign entitled "Let's Move" is from a website of the American government (letsmove.org). Michelle Obama, the First Lady, wants to encourage people to do sports. She wants to motivate people to have healthy habits. The campaign is targeted at children in particular.



- apprendre la leçon.
- Etre capable de présenter le document: "Let's Move".

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October 4 2012 4 04 /10 /October /2012 16:50

mr-crazy-s-dinner.jpgHi guys,


today we corrected your exercise about Mr Crazy's menu. Some of you did have very original and sometimes VERY DISGUSTING ideas... Good job though!

Then we worked on syntax and grammar to build correct sentences.

Grammar and Syntax

L'adverbe de fréquence se place AVANT le verbe. On peut utiliser 6 adverbes principaux pour grader la fréquence (frequency - How often....?):

- always
- usually
- often
- sometimes
- hardly ever
- never

Ex: Mr Crazy never has orange juice for breakfast. He prefers drinking chocolate poop... ...

Sujet / adverbe / verbe / complément.



- apprendre la leçon sur "Mr Crazy".
- Vous devez écrire les menus de "Mr Perfect". Attention ce travail sera ramassé et noté pour tout le monde. Un oubli = ZERO!

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October 3 2012 3 03 /10 /October /2012 13:38

http://www.pca.state.mn.us/artwork/kids/cricket1.jpgHi guys,


today we first made a vocabulary recap about vegetables and classified them into 3 categories ("transparent", "compound", "other").

Then we continued the lesson with this question: "How often....?" = frequency

You had to describe your typical menus for the different meals of the day:

- for breakfast

- for lunch

- for tea time

- for dinner


Echelle des adverbes de fréquence:



Finally, I asked you to invent "Mr Crazy's menus" for every moment of the week.


Mr Crazy often has cabbage and snakes for breakfast.

He hardly ever has milk or cereals. It's disgusting!

You have to finish this activity at home.



- sur feuille, vous devez décrire les repas un peu fou de "Mr Crazy". Vous devez faire 5 phrases par moment de la journée et varier l'utilisation des adverbes de fréquence. Au total, vous devrez donc produire 20 phrases. Ce travail sera ramassé.

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