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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
June 7 2013 5 07 /06 /June /2013 11:51

Hi guys,


today you had to record your presentations for possible penfriends in the USA.

Some of you could even film a video... let's hope they will have time to answer back!


Have a good week end.

Mr Hattais.


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June 6 2013 4 06 /06 /June /2013 18:02

Hi guys,


today we worked on correcting and creating your final presentation for possible American penfriends.


We wrote questions to ask them in the end and also tried to connect every pictures or illustration you brought to your presentation.



- finir sa présentation et se préparer à l'enregistrer (devoir devoir bilan de l'année).

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June 4 2013 2 04 /06 /June /2013 17:24



today we worked first worked on correcting the sentences that don't express a good habit.

For example:

- She rarely brushes her teeth after meals

             -> She ALWAYS brushed her teeth after meals.

- They often play too long with their video games

             -> They never play too long with their video games.

- I sometimes clear the table after the meal.

             -> I always clear the table after the meal.


Then we filled in the worksheet about "Good Habits" with the vocabulary (verbs). Here it is again:


wash my hands before meals

set the table

speak with my mouth full.

clear the table

brushes her teeth after meals

finish my homework before playing

play too long

go to bed before 10 pm

makes my bed after getting up (in the morning)


I also checked your homework but as many of you had done it in their notebooks, I couldn't grade it...



- préparez votre test de vendredi en rédigeant ce que vous pourriez dire à l'oral pour vous présenter. Il faut suivre la fiche guide qui a été distribuée point par point et s'aider du cahier pour les choses que vous auriez oubliées.

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June 3 2013 1 03 /06 /June /2013 14:21



today you first had to unscramble some sentences from your lesson about TV programmes and your routine.

You can do the exercises here again (13 sentences):



Then we continued the class with a lesson about good and bad habits. You had to determine if the sentences I gave you were a sign of a good or a bad habit.


I always wash my hands before meals.

He often sets the table before meals.

She never speaks with her mouth full.

We sometimes clear the table after meals.

She rarely brushes her teeth after meals.

He never finishes his homework before playing.

They often play too long with their video games.

Maeva rarely goes to bed before 10pm.

He sometimes makes his bed after getting up.




Homework: SUR FEUILLE!


- p. 96 exercises 1, 2, 3, 4.

- remplir la fiche de vocabulaire "Good Habits" avec les verbes manquants.


- préparer son test oral de vendredi en rédigeant ce que vous pourriez dire pour vous présenter, en respectant toutes les catégories demandées.


- test oral de présentation

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May 31 2013 5 31 /05 /May /2013 14:21



today I checked your homework and it was absolutely disastrous... You don't know how to make a correct sentences in English....

So we worked on sentence building with some examples:

- My father always watches the news in the evening


S + V + C = Sujet + Verbe + Complément

-> L'adverbe (ici la précision de fréquence) se place avant le verbe.


Un sujet = une personne ou une chose dont on parle.

(cf. les pronoms: I / you / he/she/it / we / you / they)

Un verbe = une action ou un état

Un complément = un objet, une précision de temps, de lieux, ...

Un adverbe = vient agir sur la portée du verbe (ici sa fréquence, la fréquence de l'action: "regarder la TV").



- connaître cette leçon et savoir expliquer comment former une phrase. Etre capable de faire d'autres phrases pour parler de ses habitudes et de ses goûts.

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May 30 2013 4 30 /05 /May /2013 16:33

Hi guys,


today you didn't work properly, you didn't concentrate and you didn't listen to the instructions. So the game we played was a fiasco... argh!!!

Then we continued the lesson with a recap of what you had said about Sharon last time.

As you were too slow and noisy, we didn't have time to write anything correctly in your copybook....



- p. 87 de votre livre. Vous devez compléter le texte à trous (dans la TV) avec les informations manquantes concernant Sharon. (vous pouvez écouter le morceau correspondant ici).


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May 28 2013 2 28 /05 /May /2013 16:31

http://www.cradio.fr/public/rssimport/Votre-Programme-TV174310.jpgHi guys,


today we listened to the friends talking about TV programmes and the number of their TV sets at home.

Can you imagine? Nolann has got a TV set in each room!! One in the kitchen, one in the living-room, ... etc... and maybe one in his bathroom...? :)


We wrote down the vocabulary to speak about TV programmes in the copybook and said how often you watch such and such a programme.



- apprendre le vocabulaire nouveau et être capable de dire à quelle fréquence on regarde telle ou telle émission.

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May 27 2013 1 27 /05 /May /2013 18:06

Hi guys,


today we first played a vocabulary game where you had to find the name of an activity you do everyday.

Then we continued the lesson with the filming of some participants in the "Routine Song".


Finally, we started a lesson about your favorite TV programmes and how often you watch them.

We'll continue this and write a lesson about it in your notebook tomorrow.



- pensez à actualiser vos carnets de vocabulaire et mettre vos cahiers au propre.

- préparez-vous pour le prochain devoir (sur la routine).

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May 24 2013 5 24 /05 /May /2013 13:56

Hi guys,


today we finished the lesson about your routine and here is what we wrote:


Present Simple = seulement un "s" (ou "es") à la troisième personne du singulier.


Questions and answers:

- What time do you get up in the morning?

     I get up at 7:30 am.

- Does Yousri make his bed?

    No, he doesn't make his bed.

- Do you have a shower or a bath?

    I have shower.

- How long does Aïcha brush her teeth?

   She brushes her teeth about 2 minutes.

- How long does Tom spend in the bathroom? 

   He spends about 5 minutes.



get dressed

have breakfast

watch TV

go to school



- apprendre parfaitement la leçon et être capable de poser n'importe quelle question sur la routine et d'y répondre.

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May 23 2013 4 23 /05 /May /2013 16:42

http://legins69.free.fr/Anglais/Remember%20morning%20routine.JPGHey guys,


today we continued talking about your everyday routine. You first had to answer questions from memory about your classmates' routine in the morning.


Here are some of the questions that I asked you?


What time do you get up?

Do you make your bed?

Do you have a shower or a bath?

How long do you brush your teeth?

Do you comb your hair?

How long do you spend in the bathroom?

Where do you get dressed?

What do you have for breakfast?

Do you go jogging?

What time do you go to school?


Then we continued the lesson with a miming activity. Four students came to the front of the class and had to mime a dialogue when they heard a morning routine activity.


We'll finish and write this lesson tomorrow.



- les volontaires pourront passer sur leur chanson "What do you do in the evening?"

- ceux qui n'ont pas fait leur travail pour aujourd'hui (corriger le devoir) doivent le faire pour demain vendredi 24/05. Ne vous étonnez pas d'avoir de mauvaises notes si vous ne faites pas le travail demandé.

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