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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
May 23 2013 4 23 /05 /May /2013 16:42

http://legins69.free.fr/Anglais/Remember%20morning%20routine.JPGHey guys,


today we continued talking about your everyday routine. You first had to answer questions from memory about your classmates' routine in the morning.


Here are some of the questions that I asked you?


What time do you get up?

Do you make your bed?

Do you have a shower or a bath?

How long do you brush your teeth?

Do you comb your hair?

How long do you spend in the bathroom?

Where do you get dressed?

What do you have for breakfast?

Do you go jogging?

What time do you go to school?


Then we continued the lesson with a miming activity. Four students came to the front of the class and had to mime a dialogue when they heard a morning routine activity.


We'll finish and write this lesson tomorrow.



- les volontaires pourront passer sur leur chanson "What do you do in the evening?"

- ceux qui n'ont pas fait leur travail pour aujourd'hui (corriger le devoir) doivent le faire pour demain vendredi 24/05. Ne vous étonnez pas d'avoir de mauvaises notes si vous ne faites pas le travail demandé.

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