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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
September 16 2010 4 16 /09 /September /2010 17:48



http://images.tvrage.com/shows/21/20227.jpgtoday we first talked about real tv shows and whether you wanted to take part in those shows or not. Here is what we said: 


There are many reality TV games. Ambre wouldn't like to take part in Pop Idol because she thinks she can't sing and she would be ridiculous. She would feel ashamed. As for Quentin, he wouldn't like to take part in Pop Idol either. Sylvain would like to be a candidate in Temptation Island. The game consists in testing the love of your partner. He would like to see if his girlfriend is faithful and he would love to spend 2 weeks in Mexico.


Then we continued the lesson with the audio comprehension of a conversation between two people who talk about TV programmes. Here is what we said:


The woman is flabbergasted. She can't believe her ears! She thinks that programmes like the Weakest link are awful, dreadful and sickening.In this programme, people are humiliated. This is a show without moral values.


You can listen to the document again here:


Finally you began a list of vocabulary words and expressions to express emotions such as anger or bewilderment. Here it is:

Oh Goodness! / Oh Gosh! / Oh God!
Geez! / Gee! / Jesus Christ


You're a jerk ***
You're a moron ***



HW: N'oubliez pas d'actualiser les onglets vocabulaire, grammaire, civilisation, etc... de votre classeur. Learn your lesson and new vocabulary + get prepared for your casting. Within two weeks, you'll need to get in front of the camera and a jury to introduce yourself and say why you want to take part in a real tv show.

Files: you can download the audio file to your MP3 player here (click right and select: "enregistrer la cible du lien sous...")

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<br /> Les expressions pour exprimer des émotions fortes (étonnement, énervement...):<br /> Oh Goodness! / Oh God!/ Oh Gosh!<br /> Jesus Christ / Geez / Gee<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Thank you VERY much for the update Claire.<br /> <br /> <br /> See you tomorrow.<br /> Take care,<br /> <br /> <br /> Mr Hattais.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> The woman is flabbergasted. She can't believe her ears ! She thinks that programmes like the Weakest link are awful, dreadful and sickening.In this programme, people are humiliated. This is a show<br /> without moral values.<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Recap:<br /> There are many reality TV games. Ambre wouldn't like to take part in Pop Idol because she thinks she can't sing and she would be ridiculous. She would feel ashamed. As for Quentin, he wouldn't to<br /> take part in Pop Idol either. Sylvain would like to be a candidate in Temptation Island. The game consists in testing the love of your partner. He would like to see if his girlfriend is faithful<br /> and he would love to spend 2 weeks in Mexico.<br /> <br /> <br />

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