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June 3 2013 1 03 /06 /June /2013 10:25

Hi guys,


today we still worked on what will happen in the future according to some extracts from a science-fiction movie: I, Robot starring Will Smith as Detective Spooner. 

Here is what you said:

In the future, holograms will be able to talk.

Cars will fly and drive faster than today.

Building will be higher than today.

Screens will be bigger and larger too.

Robots will replace men and do the housework. For example, they will walk the dogs or take care of the bins.



will + verb = exprime la notion de futur

be able to = la capacité


Finally, we started watching the trailer from the movie Gattaca, in which you had to determine what would change in the future.

Here is what you said in the very end:

We will be able to clone people.

We will be able to create new genes.



- apprendre la leçon par coeur.

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