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December 4 2012 2 04 /12 /December /2012 11:33

Hi guys,


today we worked on the following parody about Henry VIII (the eighth).




Here is the lesson we wrote:

Tuesday, December 4th

Lesson: The life of Henry VIII (the eighth) and his six wives


He had 3 children (Mary, Elizabeth, Edward).

Henry married six wives during his life. He divorced two. He beheaded two. One died in childbirth of blood poisoning. Only one wife survived.


Reasons why he gotmarried:

- 1st wife: He married because it was a political alliance with Spain.

- 2nd wife: ... because he wanted a male heir.

- 3rd wife: ... because he still wanted a male heir.

- 4th wife: ... because it was a political alliance with Germany.

- 5th wife: ... because he fell in love.

- 6th wife: ... because he needed a nurse and companion. He had a problem with his leg.


Reasons why they separated:

1- He divorced the 1st wife because she didn't have a son (he wanted a male heir). [Mary]

2- The 2nd wife died because she promised a son but she had a daughter. [Elizabeth]

3- The 3rd wife died in childbirth of blood poisoning. She gave birth to a son. [Edward]

4- The 4th wife was beheaded because she loved another man.

5- He divorced the 5th one because she had an ugly face.

6- His 6th and last wife survived but she died one year after him. (she married twice: once with Henry and once after he died).


Reason why the King died:

Henry VIII died because he had a problem with his leg.




in green = [id]

in yellow = [d]

in purple = [t]

in red = irregular verbs in the preterite


Vocabulary in blue:

(to) get married

(to) be beheaded

(to) get a divorce

(to) die in childbirth

blood poisoning

a political alliance

an heir


(to) need

a nurse

a son / a daughter


Grammar: La négation au prétérit

= S + didn't + BV

Ex: She didn't have a son.





- apprendre la leçon. Connaître par coeur la vie d'Henry VIII et de ses 6 femmes (raison du mariage, raison de la séparation).

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