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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
May 31 2013 5 31 /05 /May /2013 11:51

Hi guys,


today we continued working on the theme: "A fairy tale". You had to reorganize the ideas you had with better starting points (characters, places, moments, actions, reasons/goals).

You can see the result of your brainstroming here:



Then we continued the lesson with an extract from Shrek (2001) to see if it fitted the definition you had created. You finally decided that it was not a fairy tale but a parody of a fairy with a twist in the story.


Here is what you said about during the lesson:


Shrek is a parody of a fairy tale. There is a twist in the story. Normally, a "Prince Charming" is noble, polite, clean and nice. But here, he is an ogre who is rude and dirty. He brushes his teeth with insects, he has showers with mud and he farts in water.

-> He even uses the pages of a book to clean his arse*** / ass*** / bottom...


Ingredients of a fairy tale:

Time: "Once upon a time..."

Place: castle

Characters: evil VS good

Story: a quest

-> always a happy ending ("and they lived happily ever after") = good prevails.



shoot / crap / shit / f***



- bien connaître la leçon

- anticiper de quel conte vous voudriez faire la parodie. Voici une liste possible des contes que vous pourrez choisir:

Cinderella, Snow White, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Alice in Wonderland, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Pinocchio, The 3 little pigs, Hansel and Gretel. 

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