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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
March 14 2013 4 14 /03 /March /2013 10:09

Hi guys,


today I first explained you the new system of oral participation and then you did a quick recap of what we had said about Chris's situation before the holidays.

Then we moved on explaining his emotions / feelings. Here is what we said:

At the end of the day...

- ... Chris is exhausted / tired because he has woken up at 3:00 am. He has worked very hard: he has carried heavy papers and loaded them in the truck.

- ... he is proud because he has done a difficult job.

- ... he is satisfied because he has found his first job.

- ... he is a little bit disappointed because he hasn't gained / hasn't earned enough money to buy his jacket. He' got only $25 but the jacket costs $50.                 ENOUGH = [f]


NB: Valeurs du Present Perfect =

Parler d'un fait passé qui a une conséquence sur le présent


Parler d'une expérience que l'on a acquise.



- bien revoir les leçons sur Chris. Vous aurez un test de connaissances la prochaine fois que je vous ai en classe entière. Il ne durera pas toute l'heure.

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