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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)

Top posts

  • Vocabulary test + The inspection process

    25 September 2009 ( #2009-2010 - 2nde 5 )

    Hey, today you took a vocabulary test that you corrected yourself. I'll check what you did and I'll give you your grades next time. Then we continued our lesson with Jacob who arrived at Ellis Island. I asked you to highlight some important information...

  • A thief in the streets of Belfast

    02 October 2009 ( #2009-2010 - Tale STG )

    Hey, today we continued our sequence on Ireland. We did a quick recap of what had been said before and we confirmed our hypotheses with the viewing of the corresponding scene that you can watch again below: Here is what we said: "The scene actually takes...

  • Les temps, aspects, et auxiliaires modaux en anglais - Part 2

    17 September 2009 ( #Grammar )

    Part 2 : Les temps et auxiliaires modaux Petit rappel que nous avons vu la semaine dernière. Seuls deux temps existent en anglais. Le présent et le prétérit. Les autres "temps" n'en sont que des déclinaisons. Concernant les auxiliaires modaux, il y a...

  • A new generation of robot soldiers

    16 September 2009 ( #2009-2010 - Tale STG )

    Today, we listened to an audio document with Tim Weiner, a reporter for the New York Times. Here is what we said about it. "The document is a report by a New York Times journalist about a new generation of soldiers. They are stronger than human beings...

  • Les Questions en anglais

    03 December 2009 ( #Grammar )

    Il existe deux types de questions : Ouverte et Fermée Ouverte : la réponse à la question n'est pas déterminée à l'avance. Elle est introduite par un mot interrogatif (du type who [qui], where [où], ...). Fermée : la réponse à la question est prévue d'avance....

  • Futuristic ads

    05 October 2009 ( #For Fun )

    Here are two videos on a not so futuristic way of advertising... The first one is a report about the ad which was to be published in Entertainment Weekly (an American tabloid). The second one is an American guy discovering the ad, bewildered at this new...

  • The video of the pogrom

    18 September 2009 ( #2009-2010 - 2nde 5 )

    Hey, today, after taking a quick oral test about the lesson that Felix did quite well, we corrected some sentences that you had to translate. We saw that possibility/probability could be translated with the modal auxiliary " MAY ". Be careful whether...

  • Jacob's letter to his aunt Mary

    29 September 2009 ( #2009-2010 - 2nde 2 )

    Hey, during the second part of the lesson, we reviewed some important vocabulary about "pain" and "fear". We also corrected Jacob's speech. Here is the correct version of the dialogue: "to be written by Guillaume..." Then, I gave you a worksheet on "how...

  • There is / There are ... VS ... ago

    04 March 2010 ( #Grammar )

    U ne nouvelle fois un point de grammaire expliqué cette semaine, d'une importance capitale car les Français ont tendance à faire des erreurs monumentales. Cela est souvent dû à la manière dont ce fait de langue est enseigné mais surtout parce que l'étudiant...

  • L'utilisation des pronoms relatifs - "Who" VS "Which"

    06 May 2010 ( #Grammar )

    Les pronoms relatifs sont sans doute l'un des points de grammaire les plus compliqués en anglais avec les temps lorsque l'on creuse dans les détails parce que leur fonction n'est pas toujours bien maîtrisée en français par les locuteurs natifs. Or, pour...

  • Module : Present Simple / Present Be + ing

    24 November 2009 ( #2009-2010 - 2nde 2 )

    2nd Group: Today, we first warmed up with what you like doing at home and here is what we said: "to be written by Mégane L." REMEMBER : Verbes de sentiment + V-ing Then we continued on speaking about grammar and the differences between Present Simple...

  • The roles of the protagonists

    16 October 2009 ( #2009-2010 - Tale STG )

    After taking your usual vocabulary tests, you had to determine the roles of each person or group of people and their attitude. Here is what we wrote: The judge: He takes the final decision, he weighs the pros and cons. He gives orders to the court, he...

  • Good resolutions + continuation of the text "The Fun They Had"

    06 January 2010 ( #2009-2010 - 2nde 5 )

    Hey, today we first started with the good resolutions that you and I will follow in the year to come. Here is what we said in the warm up: - I will be less absent-minded. - I will follow my good resolutions. - I will spend less time playing video games....

  • Repartir de Zéro et sur de bonnes bases en Anglais

    25 November 2009 ( #Methodology )

    On m'a récemment signalé un ouvrage qui semble intéressant pour se remettre à niveau en anglais, à condition de travailler bien évidemment et d'avoir une véritable envie de progresser dans la langue. Je conseille donc aux élèves en difficulté de se le...

  • The children's surprise

    09 December 2009 ( #2009-2010 - 2nde 5 )

    Hey, today after warming up on Christmas gifts again, we worked on Isaac Isimov's biography. Here is what we wrote: "to be written by Romane" Then, we continued speaking about the story "The Fun they Had" we also listened to the first part again: Here...

  • Choisir entre SAY et TELL

    03 September 2009 ( #Grammar )

    Ces deux verbes sont des verbes de parole. Ils peuvent vous servir lorsque vous rapportez à quelqu'un ce que vous avez entendu. Le verbe "tell" dans le sens de "dire" ne peut s'utiliser qu'avec un complément de personne. Le verbe "say", quant à lui, peut...

  • Watch American TV Series on line and legally !

    20 September 2009 ( #For Fun )

    Here is a great site I highly recommend you to visit if you are a fan of American TV shows. Click on the icon to access it: You'll be able to watch below a show I have discovered and I think is worth watching even though it can sometimes be difficult...

  • Translation about genetics

    23 September 2009 ( #2009-2010 - Tale LV2 )

    Hey, today you behaved like little monsters ! and the class was not productive at all... We only succeeded in correcting your translation exercises... Here is what we corrected : 2 ==> I believe it is much too risky and the consequences are really unpredictable....

  • Epreuves BAC - STG LV2 - Anglais

    23 October 2009 ( #2009-2010 - Tale STG )

    Concernant la partie écrite, je peux d'ores et déjà dire aux élèves qui souhaiteraient changer de LV1 (et donc passer l'anglais en LV2) au bac que l'épreuve de compréhension écrite et d'expression écrite sont identiques à la LV1. Seul le texte support...

  • Disney special for ABC: Prep and Landing

    18 December 2009 ( #For Fun )

    Here is the "real story" of Christmas and how the elves prepare the houses so that Santa Claus is not noticed by the children expecting his arrival. They also prepare the landing of his reindeer sled on the top of the houses... Get prepared to watch this...

  • Birth, life and death vocabulary

    07 September 2009 ( #Vocabulary )

    As we nearly all spoke about Michael Jackson's funeral, here is a list of words that you will need to know if you read or listen to news on the topic : - to be laid to rest = to be buried : être enterré. - to pay a tribute = to pay somebody's final respects...

  • Résultat d'une expérience en 2nde

    18 December 2009 ( #Teachers' Corner )

    Hey, je voulais vous faire part des résultats de la 1ère partie de mon projet concernant des 2ndes pour les faire travailler sur un sujet type bac mais en gardant une démarche actionnelle et de communication. Je leur ai fait créer, en modules, un sujet...

  • (to) be to ...

    08 April 2010 ( #Grammar )

    Vous avez sans doute appris au collège que le futur se formait en anglais grâce à l'auxiliaire modal "will". Ce n'est que partiellement vrai car, comme vu dans des posts précédents, il n'y a que deux temps en anglais : le présent et le passé. Tout le...

  • Aids - Module "Prise de Parole"

    14 October 2009 ( #2009-2010 - Tale STG )

    After interrogating one of your classmates on "A new generation of soldiers", we started studying a new document about Aids. Here is a link to the advertisment campaign: Here are some important elements to describe a picture: - The document depicts /...

  • Advertisment campaign for road safety 2

    27 May 2010 ( #2009-2010 - 2nde 5 )

    Hey guys, first we warmed up today with a recap of important vocabulary words dealing with the road: Voc: a road sign (to) cross a red light (to) go over the speed limit a hitch-hicker a placard a lorry [UK] / a truck [USA] Then we continued working on...

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