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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
September 25 2012 2 25 /09 /September /2012 15:49

http://www.tastyislandhawaii.com/images12/inspire2012/my_food_pyramid_dot_gov.jpgHi guys,


today we made a not-so-quick recap of the lesson and homework you had to complete for today. I can't say that you should be proud of yourselves since many of you hadn't done it properly.

Next time, you'll have a test on the lesson.

Then we continued the activities about food and colour. You had to match the names of vegetables to the French translations.

Not so hard, huh?

Strategy: pour comprendre un texte et des mots, il faut faire appel à plusieurs techniques.

- les mots transparents.

- les mots composés. (identifier la structure du mot)

- la déduction et l'élimination. 



- connaître parfaitement le nouveau vocabulaire de la leçon, y compris le nom de tous les légumes appris en cours.

- Il y aura un test de connaissances de la leçon depuis le début de la séquence: "Health and Sports".

- Pour les élèves qui ont la mention: "Please Do Over" sur leur copie, il faut également préparer la correction du test qui doit être impeccable (sur feuille séparée). C'est le seul moyen pour vous de peut-être effacer une mauvaise note de votre moyenne trimestrielle...

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September 24 2012 1 24 /09 /September /2012 10:20

Hi guys,


today we first talked about locating elements and analyzing a poster (an ad). Here is what we wrote about the ad from your books again: 

The document is a campaign.
It is a poster.
It depicts / represents a woman in the middle.
She is eating salad.
In the top left-hand corner, there is the slogan:
"Eat your colours everyday".
At the bottom, there is the caption:
"5 + a day". The goal is to encourage people to have healthy habits.


Then we continued the lesson with a vocabulary activity. You had to find in an English text the translation of some words (vegetables) in English.


You can do the activity again below:




- apprendre la leçon

- Faire 5 phrases pour dire si vous aimez ou pas tel ou tel légume vert et à quelle fréquence vous en manger.



- Téléchargez le texte support ici.


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September 21 2012 5 21 /09 /September /2012 13:57

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_T1RIgYbmrhs/TLY9LN9nC3I/AAAAAAAAD40/G6XFIavkGzs/s1600/eat+your+colors.jpgHi guys,


today we first talked about a poster designed by the government in New Zealand. Here is what we said about it:

Lesson: Eat your colours everyday

The document is poster from New Zealand.
It's a campaign to encourage people to eat 5 pieces of vegetables and fruit a day.

The picture represents a green kiwi and a woman eating salad (a mix of lettuce and tomato).

The goal of the campaign is to promote healthy habits.

Finally, we talked about methodology and we learnt the "prepositional choreography".

Localiser une élément dans une image:

In - the middle / the corner / the distance
    - the top right-hand corner
    - the bottom left-hand corner
On - the left / the right
At - the top / bottom



- Apprendre la leçon et actualiser votre carnet de vocabulaire.

- Connaître parfaitement l'utilisation des prépositions dans la localisation en se remémorant la chorégraphie.

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September 18 2012 2 18 /09 /September /2012 16:29

Hi guys,


today you worked on how to express your tastes again with important structures to remember:

I love / I'm crazy about ... / I can't stand... / ... etc + V-ing


You did quite a good job on the whole.

Then you took your test (vocab / grammar / comprehension)


Finally, I announced the new topic of the sequence: "Health and Sports" and its final task (the project)

Let's keep your motivation up!



- réviser l'expression du goût et les différentes structures.

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September 17 2012 1 17 /09 /September /2012 10:53

Hi guys,


today we continued the lesson with the correction of your homework. I helped you once more with the structures to use to compare things and people together.


Then we moved on with another activity: talking about what you like and dislike. You had to memorize some flashcards (activities) and then say whether you liked them or not.

You can view those flashcards here again:



The lesson was about: "les verbes de goûts"

I like + V-ing

I don't like + V-ing


To talk about your tastes you were urged to use different structures such as:

I love / I'm crazy about / I like ... very much / ... etc. 




- apprendre la leçon sur les goûts

- se préparer à un contrôle de vocabulaire et de grammaire sur les adjectifs de personnalité et la comparaison.

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September 14 2012 5 14 /09 /September /2012 17:55

http://therecordingrevolution.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/apples-and-oranges11.jpegHi guys,


today we checked your had done your homework alright and we compared the results in the chart we obtained.

We worked on 3 important structures:

more ... / ...-er  than ...

less ... than ...

as ... as ...



- apprendre la leçon et se préparer à un contrôle de vocabulaire très prochainement.

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September 11 2012 2 11 /09 /September /2012 11:31

Hi guys,


today we corrected the exercise you had to complete at home and we explained your choices.



Why can we say that Judith is patient? - She's patient because we can see she's waiting.

Why can we say that Ian is hard-working? - He's hard-working because we can see he is working a lot / he has a lot of work.

Why can we say that Mike is jealous? - He's jealous because he is angry when the couple are kissing.


Attention à la phonétique et à la prononciation des nouveaux mots et des mots transparents (cf. polite)



- lesson

- parmi les adjectifs appris, choisissez-en 5 qui s'appliquent à vous et "graduez-les" (cf. p. 16 de votre livre: not ... at all / not very ... / ...). Vous devrez être capable de faire une phrase supplémentaire pour expliquer pourquoi vous dîtes que vous êtes....... (patient / polite / ...). Décrivez vos habitudes.

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September 10 2012 1 10 /09 /September /2012 10:19

http://lovelylanguage.com/images/grammar/irregular-verbs.jpgHi guys,


today we conducted some interviews in class. You had to ask your partner questions and introduce them to the class saying who they were and what they liked doing.


In "strategies", we talked about verbs of taste ("like" and equivalents) and also about pronunciation (liaisons and 3rd person "S").


Remember: Verbe de goût + V-ING




- Lesson

- p. 16.A = associer chaque image à un adjectif et expliquer pourquoi vous avez choisi cet adjectif par rapport à ce qui se passe dans l'image. Djaouwed, pense à faire l'exercice ci-dessous si tu n'as pas encore ton livre et recopier bien les résultats que vous obtenez au crayon à papier dans votre cahier.

- Vous pouvez faire l'exercice d'association en ligne ici pour vous aider (mais il faudra toujours penser à justifier votre choix!)

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September 7 2012 5 07 /09 /September /2012 18:55

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-NTL2WwyPl1w/T91DkHLQ3FI/AAAAAAAAAF8/3BIsD0jbIsA/s400/like_dislike-391x221.pngHi guys,


today was our first day of class together; so you had many questions to ask since you didn't know me.

We wrote some of the questions you asked me in the notebook and saw that it was much more interesting and efficient to ask questions in WH- to get precise information.




- apprendre la série de questions (être capable de les poser à quelqu'un).

- être capable de se présenter intégralement en suivi la logique des questions posées et en développant particulièrement la partie sur les goûts ("tastes").

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