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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
May 11 2012 5 11 /05 /May /2012 14:00

Hello guys,


today we started a new activity that will last only 3 hours (including today's lesson). So get prepared for a final test very soon...


You can download today's activity here.

box idisk


Here is what we said about the possible changes to apply for Professor Mac Gonagal's behaviour (alternative speech verbs):


"to be written by ..."



- contrôle de vocbulaire sur les mots des consignes (y compris de l'exercise 5 de la worksheet).

- finir le worksheet si vous ne l'avez pas terminée en cours.

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May 9 2012 3 09 /05 /May /2012 14:40

http://www.projectappleseed.org/apple-full.jpgHey guys,


let's hope you achieved good results for one of the last tests of this year.

It will be very important for my decision for the 3rd term.


Take care,

Mr Hattais.

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May 4 2012 5 04 /05 /May /2012 13:10

Hi guys,


today you first had to improve the writing of our text by adding speech verbs and expressions to the dialogue. 

I've taken what you have written and will be getting back to you asap.


In the 2nd part of the hour, you had to complete a test about irregular verbs in English. Let's hope you will acheive good results...


Take care,

Mr Hattais.

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May 2 2012 3 02 /05 /May /2012 16:46

Hi guys,


today you had to find 3 things to remember not to do for next test on Wednesday... let's hope you will abide by your proof reading rules...

Then we continued the class with analysing how speech verbs worked in English and how to build a dialogue.

Here is a set of 3 main rules worth remembering (differences between French and English dialogue):


"to be written by..."


Additional vocabulary:

"to be written by..."


Eventually, you took your vocabulary and lesson test.



- réviser pour les contrôles à venir (verbes irréguliers + test de fin de séquence C.E. et E.E.)

- apprendre votre nouveau vocabulaire associé au discours.

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April 11 2012 3 11 /04 /April /2012 14:07

http://rhondahayter.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Vocab-intro2.jpgHi guys,


today was our last class before the holidays. We first worked on vocabulary and then on reading the police detective report about the murder case.

Here are the vocabulary words we worked on:


"to be written by Morgane"


Then you had to read the police report and tell me if you had chosen the same culprit or not and if you had had different arguments to justify your choice.



- vous devez connaître tous les nouveaux mots de vocabulaire présents dans vos textes (the dead governor + police report)

- Contrôles:

      * 1er cours après les vacances: vocabulaire+ leçon

      * 2ème cours: verbes irréguliers (toute la liste)

      * 3ème cours: devoir de fin de séquence (compréhension écrite, expression écrite)

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April 6 2012 5 06 /04 /April /2012 13:18

Hi guys,


today we first listened to an audio recoring (a news report) about illegal downloading. You can listen to it again below:


Here is what we said about it (+ grammar rule about suffixes):


Warm up: Illegal downloading/ file sharing

The document is a radio news report about illegal downloading. It deals with a meeting in London with the British governement and British artists (Lily Allen, Pink Floyd...) to find a solution against the problem. The hackers will receive a warning (two letters) before their connection is slowed down.

In France:
first: a warning -> you receive 1 email and 1 letter.
then: a fine -> you have to pay the government.
finally: you can go to jail/prison

-ing : Transforme un verbe en nom
share -> sharing (partage)
warn -> warning (avertissement)
meet -> meeting (rencontre)


Then we continued the lesson with the correction for the timeline of events the day of the murder. Here all the elements mentionned with their approximate time:

Time line of events:

7:30 -> someone arrived
time of death
8:00 -> The visitor left
Inez made a last round of the house and discovered the corpse
9:10 -> Inez called the police

9:30 -> the police arrived (+Inez's interview)
10:00 -> Mason's interview
11:00 -> Shepard's interview
Midnight -> I went back home
3:00 am -> I called Mc Coy



Finally, here is a picture of what the crime could look like (drawn by Sarah D.):






- préparez-vous à la fin de la séquence, contrôle de vocabulaire, contrôle de verbes irréguliers...

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April 4 2012 3 04 /04 /April /2012 01:25

Hi guys,


today we first watched a document from the web, more precisely a news report about the rampage in a US college yesterday. You can watch it again below:




Here is what we said about it:


Warm up:

The document is a news report about a shooting in the US. It happened yesterday in the middle of the morning in a Corean college in Oakland, California. A crazy student went on a rampage and shot many people who ran for their lives and screamed because they were scared and frightened.

Names of schools in the USA:
kinder garden -> primary school -> middle school -> high school -> college

1st year in highschool or college : freshman
2nd year : sophomore
3rd year : junior
4th year : senior



- apprendre la leçon et le nouveau vocabulaire.

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April 3 2012 2 03 /04 /April /2012 15:35

Hi guys,


today we continued studying the text and for those who still haven't finished highlighting it with different colours to make the different WH- stand out, I strongly advise you to do so...

Here is what we have written so far about the different parts of the document (people, places, alibi, motives, problems about the alibi...):



     Motive? He and Kelner had been political allies for years but recently he favored another candidate. So they had a spat. Mason said Robert called him "to mend fences" 

     Alibi? there was music playing in an upstairs room. He was reading and he didn't hear or watch the news.

James Shepard:

     Alibi? He was sick/ had a stomach flu; he had a weak voice and stayed at home. 

     Reaction: He was horrified when he heard the news = he already knew about the governor's death.



to mend fences: to clarily a problem
stomach flu: la gastro 



- remplir la feuille distribuée ce jour (3 exerices = replacer tous les éléments sur la chronologie avec les heures connues ou supposées / représenter schématiquement la scène de crime en utilisant le plus d'éléments possibles d'après le texte / faire son dernier rapport reprenant toute l'enquête, dénonçant le coupable et innocentant les autres suspects en justifiant ses choix.)

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March 30 2012 5 30 /03 /March /2012 17:54

http://www.matchpointgroup.com/files/confidential_stamp1.jpgHi guys,


today we really began the work of the detective... we analysed the text as if we were in the shoes of Liddy Hamilton trying to gauge the truthfulness of the suspects' alibi and whereabouts... Here is what we concluded from our notes about the situtation and Inez Olson:


The text is about a crime scene at the governor's manor / mansion.
Liddy Hamilton is the main character, the detective who inquires about the murder.
She asks questions to the possible witness and culprit "Inez Olson", the house keeper / the maid. She asks her to justify her whereabouts and her alibi.

The crime scene: The study
It's where the gov. worked. He was found dead on the carpet in a puddle of blood.
He must have been stabbed or shot.

Time of the crime: Inez's testimony
7:30 - she said her boss had a meeting with someone.
8:00 - she heard the door of the house close.
9:00 - she made a last round of the house.
9:30 - the police arrived.
The governor may have been killed between 8:00 and 9:00 if Inez is the culprit.

Inez says she was watching TV when the gov. was killed.


L3 "I can't say he was a kind man" = she didn't like the man. 


Other possible suspects?

Jim Shepard }- possible colleagues
Samuel Mason }- they had a meeting with the gov. today.
Their names were "jotted" down in the calendar.



- vous devez terminer l'enquête en lisant la fin du texte et faire les mêmes repérages que précédemment pour comprendre le texte et déterminer si les autres suspects sont oui ou non les meutriers grâce aux indices et aux hypothèses que vous relèverez... A vous de jouer!

(n'utilisez pas de dictionnaire pour comprendre; votre cerveau et les techniques de compréhension enseignées suffiront!)



- télécharger la fiche du carnet du détective à remplir ici. (désolé pour la tâche de café... ^^)

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March 28 2012 3 28 /03 /March /2012 15:05

Hi guys,


today we first corrected some exercises from your worksheet about methodology and we then continued the lesson with a vocab recap and the beginning of a study of a text entitled: "The Dead Governor", by Stan Smith.


Correction of the vocab worksheet:


Weapons -> action of the criminal / victim

- gun / shot gun / rifle  -> to shoot / to be shot
- fire poker / baseball bat -> to hit / to be hit
- saw / chainsaw -> to cut into slices / to be cut into slices
- sword -> to slay / to be slain
- knife / razor blade / dagger -> to stab / to be stabbed
- poison -> to poison /  to be poisoned
- ribbon / hands -> to strangle / to be strangled
- cushion / pillow -> to choke / to be choked


You had to highlight all the information you could understand about the WH- questions and try to make links between your ideas.



- finir les repérages + vous devrez être capable de présenter ce texte en vous aidant de ce que vous avez compris (= expliquer la sitation générale).

Files: download a copy of the text here.

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