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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
November 23 2010 3 23 /11 /November /2010 15:45



here are the documents that you can use for your press conference. Select the one you want to study and prepare all the roles for it.



You need to be able to...: 

- ... speak about the charity or artist who produced the document (role, goal, ...)

- ... describe in details

- ... and analyse the content of the visual

- ... give advice to people so that they become more environmental friendly


If you need any help, please feel free to contact me.


Take care,

Mr Hattais.

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November 22 2010 2 22 /11 /November /2010 18:26



today we first corrected the exercise about since / for and we continued speaking about the audio document we had started last time.


Here is what we said about the causes for global warming:


Global warming is due to greenhouse gases.
GW is provoked by carbon dioxyde.
GW is triggered by the pollution of power plants.
GW is generated by the pollution of cars.
GW is caused by the burning of oil.


Then we spoke about the possible consequences:


Factories trigger water pollution. Since the industrial revolution, many species of fish have died. People have polluted the water, and that's why some people can't drink it in some parts of the world.

Vehicles produce CO² emissions. They generate air pollution. For years, cites have been polluted; that's why in the future we may lack oxygen.



(to) pollute


Finally, I gave you a worksheet to increase your vocabulary about the environment and natural disasters. We will finish it next time.


HW: complete the grid and make sentences to express the consequences of global warming on the planet.

Files: Download the grid here (you can print it in colours!)

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November 19 2010 6 19 /11 /November /2010 10:32



today we first talked about the role of different charities and here is what we said about some of them as a correction for the homework:


"to be written by Quentin"

+ You forgot to write the correction of the homework. Please update it!


Then we continued the class with the oral document from last time. We spoke about the reasons for global warming and we made a list again and we particularly focused our attention on the verbs in the document. Here is what we said about grammar (and present perfect):


"The planet's temperature has risen unusually fast."

Focus on Grammar: Present Perfect

Valeur -> exprimer un bilan. On constate ce qui s'est passé avant pour expliquer la situation actuelle.

Forme -> HAVE / HAS au présent + Participe passé

V-ed (régulier)
3ème colonne (irrégulier)


Make a list of the other examples from the document:

"to be written by Quentin"


HW: don't forget to begin and review your irregular verbs (cf. bled) + complete exercise #1 p. 115 (cf. Bled)

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November 17 2010 4 17 /11 /November /2010 14:47


charities visuals

today we first talked about the different pictures from the chart and we particularly insisted on the first three. Here is what we said about them:



Analysis of the visuals:

1) The photograph depicts a polar bear on a small iceberg.
It's a symbol for global warming.
The picture intends to represent reality and is used to make us react. It aims at warning people about the dangers of climate change.
If global warming continues, endangered species will die.

2) The ad campaign depicts a forest. It looks like lungs but one of the lungs is damaged. The symbol is that if we continue to cut down trees, we won't have oxygen in the future. We won't be able to breathe.
The document aims at representing a shocking reality.
It intends to make us react. It is used to sensitize people about deforestation.



Then we continued the lesson with the quick study of a graph about temperature and carbon dioxyde. It served as a help to understand the audio document about global warming.

You can listen to it again below:



Unfortunately, we haven't had time to write anything about the document in the lesson copy books for the moment. So next time, we'll need to be fast in order to catch up with the other groups.



HW: for next time, you need to learn your lesson and new vocabulary. You also need to find out about Farenheit conversion (0°, 100°, and 37°C) + fill the worksheet about "charities".



Oral Comprehension sheet -> Download here.

global warming worksheet

Charities - Worksheet -> Download here.

MP3 file (about global warming) -> Download here. (click right and "enregistrer la cible sous...")

MP3 file (pronunciation) -> Download here (click right and "enregistrer la cible sous...")


More about charities:

- Guide Dogs
- The Red Cross
- Tree House
- Unicef
- Oxfam
- Friends of the Earth
- Cancer Research UK
- Guilford Action

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November 15 2010 2 15 /11 /November /2010 15:50



http://www.buzzecolo.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/WWF-deforestation-chez-ginie-des-vertes-des-pas-mures-blogspot.jpgtoday you first took a vocabulary test about how to locate things in space. Then we continued with an oral presentation of the ad campaign by the WWF. It was rather poor for something you had to prepare in advance and that had been done in class...


Then we corrected the exercise you had to do for today and we commented on some pictures explaining the aim / goal / objective of each visual.Here is what we said:


"to be written by Quentin"


New vocabulary  to be learnt:


"to be written by Quentin"


HW: for next time, you need to make 8 sentences explaining the goal of each picture (at least one sentence per picture)

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November 10 2010 4 10 /11 /November /2010 14:30



today after making a quick recap of what we had said  about the document, we continued describing and analysing the picture. Here is what we said:



Instead of relaxing and having fun, they should / ought to / had better help the man / save the driver.
Instead of calling, they ought to do their jobs.
Instead of smoking, they had better try and save the man's life.

They shouldn't / ought not to / had better not call when they are on duty.

Message of the advertisement campaign:

Instead of relaxing, we should act and save the planet.
Instead of losing time, we ought to protect the planet fast.
Instead of not caring, we had better protect the enviromment.

The advert aims at everyone.
  -> (to) aim at= s'adresser à ... -> sert à donner la cible du document.

It intends to make us react.
  -> (to) intend to = sert à exprimer le but du document.

Cultural facts:

WWF is a charity which protects animals which are dying = endangered species.
For example: pandas, white tigers, bees, polar bears, or whales.


Then I gave you a set of two document about methodology (how to identify the type of documents).

You need to finish completing them for next time.



HW: finish the chart (le tableau) and learn your lesson and vocabulary (-> test is on the way!)

Files: you can download the documents with a better quality here

-> the pictures (in colours)

-> the vocabulary

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November 5 2010 6 05 /11 /November /2010 14:42



today we first talked again about global warming and we tried to give a little definition. Here is what we said:


Global warming is due to pollution, more precisely greenhouse gases: for example carbon dioxyde.

Then we started to describe and comment upon a picture. Here is what we said:


Methodology -> how to locate things in a document:


in the backgroundin the foreground
in the distance
in the middle
in the corner

on the left / on the right


Click on the picture to enlarge

emergency.jpgDescription of the picture:

The document is picture / photo.
It represents a landscape. The scene takes place in the countryside.
On the left, in the background, there is a car on fire. There has been an accident and the car is burning; there is a lot of smoke. The driver was probably going to the house in the distance.
Maybe, he is seriously injured.
On the right, there is an ambulance but the EMT are not helping.
Instead of rescuing the driver, they are urinating, smoking and calling.

instead of + V-ing = Au lieu de...



HW: learn the comments and the new vocabulary.

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October 22 2010 6 22 /10 /October /2010 13:58



today you first talked about your super hero and then we began our new sequence about global warming and the environment. Here is what we said about it:


"to be written by Laura"


I'll see you after the break. Until then, enjoy your holidays.

Mr Hattais.


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October 20 2010 4 20 /10 /October /2010 14:43



today the students who were there had to present their super hero to the class. Some of you did a good job. I'll continue assessing pupils on Friday. Until then, get ready to speak again. You may have a chance to do better!


We also talked about phonetics and how to understand phonetic transcription.


Finally we discussed the pension reform in English and here is what we said:


"to be written by Laura"

Take care,
Mr Hattais.

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October 8 2010 6 08 /10 /October /2010 14:06



http://portugal.theoffside.com/files/2008/07/hulkcom.jpgtoday you had the chance to review some vocabulary and get some more to speak about super heroes, their looks and abilities.


Here is what we said:


Spiderman: On the picture, he is wearing a mask with spider webs on it and a skin-tight body suit. He looks small and weak. He's got a spider emblem on the chest.
Super powers: he can make spider's webs, he is able to climb walls and he has an incredible energy.


Daredevil: On the picture, he is wearing a dark red skin-tight bodysuit and a cowl. He looks quite athletic and muscular. He doesn't really have powers but he has developed his senses. He can't see with his eyes: he is blind. But he can "see" with his other senses (hearing, smell and touch). He can feel danger.


Superman: On the picture, he is wearing a blue skin-tight suit and a red cape. He has an emblem on his chest. He is strong and musclar. He can lift anything. He is able to fly and he has the ability to shoot lasers.


The Hulk: He doesn't wear a suit. The colour of his skin is green. He looks quite muscular. He looks like an animal / a beast. He looks savage / indomitable / fierce.



NB: la différence entre (to) look (sembler, paraître) et (to) look like (ressembler à)


HW: get ready for your oral presentation and for the battle.

Files: Download the pair work here:

- Student A worksheet

- Student B worksheet


Additional Information:

You can also watch the trailer from Iron Man down here to get some more ideas. Enjoy!


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