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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
May 21 2012 1 21 /05 /May /2012 18:40

Hello again guys,


let me first tell you again how disappointed I am in your behaviour today at the beginning of the class... Once more I had to get REALLY angry before you actually considered talking and so that we could correct your homework for today. Your being MUTE has to eventually STOP!!! This situation can no longer continue... I've been telling you this since the beginning of the year! You are supposed to come to class with things to say and be willing to say them; you were not forced to choose this "option LVA", you had 3 choices. So if you didn't want to talk and work a lot in English, you should have selected another option. I personally work a lot for you guys and I just CAN'T STAND such a behaviour. The only thing I want to call you right now is: "ungrateful mummified little slackers!" So prove me wrong next time and actually DO something with my teaching and your being a student, and SPEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well... now... let's talk about what we did today.

You finally captionned all of the 5 pictures and we improved what you had said thanks to comparisons and contrasts made between what the character could be thinking and what the character could be saying for instance. You need to make the best out of this class to improve your final project.

Here are all the possibilities that you finally mentionned:


"to be written by ..."


We then worked on sentence stress and saw some basic rules about how to speak English with a correct pronunciation.You will partly be assessed on that point for your project.


I finally showed you in the end how to mix a video with a soundtrack thanks to Windows Movie Maker. You may need to use this website to look for and include special sounds in your sound tracks:




- ceux qui ont oublié de m'envoyer leur commentaire oral sur la "Pavlova" doivent me faire parvenir leur fichier pour ce soir minuit, sinon, c'est zéro pour travail non rendu.

- pour jeudi 24/05/12, vous devez impérativement me rendre la version papier de votre projet (je vous le rendrai mardi 29/05/12 (lundi étant férié, je vous verrai dans la cours ou bien je vous ferai porter vos devoirs dans votre salle de cours) avec mes corrections et conseils pour que vous puissiez le finaliser). 

- pour jeudi dans une semaine (le 31/05/12), vous devrez me rendre votre dernier projet de l'année complètement achevé.



- vous pouvez accéder à la "mute version of Vincent" ici. (clic droit -> enregistrer la cible sous...)

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