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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
September 8 2010 4 08 /09 /September /2010 14:05



today we first warmed up about your feelings at the beginning of this year. Here is what we said:


Warm up: Back to school

After two months' holidays...
... I feel distressed and disappointed to come back to school. I feel exhausted in the morning. I already feel under stress for the A-Levels. I don't want to fail.

fail ≠ succeed

(to) fail an exam
(to) pass a exam
(to) take an exam


Advanced-Levels (A-Levels) = baccalauréat

GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education) = DNB (brevet)


http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:NzmQ6u80NxN-9M:http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~arcrawfo/images/Family_Tree_img.jpg&t=1Then we continued working on the text. We wrote things about the different characters and we drew a timeline of events. Here it reads:

Back home from the Front.

The text deals with Frank, a British soldier, who is on leave. He visits his neighbours, the Barkers for tea. During their conversation they speak about Bill Monroe, another neighbour, whose mother tried to stop the military policemen from making her son go back to the Front.

The Barker family:

- mother = Rachel
- daughters :
1)Lillian : she works as a woman conductress

2)Nell : she was engaged to a soldier and makes uniforms for the Belgians troops.

- Percy, Nell's ex-fiancé: he died when he was at war.

The Monroe family:

- the mother : Mrs Monroe
- her son : Bill Monroe


- Bill, Albert, Frank and Jack are soldiers.

Chronological order of the events from the story:

Before 1915:

1) Albert joined the army
2) the men in the neighbourhood joined the army
3) the second battle of Ypres (death of Percy ?) / policemen came to make Bill Monroe go back to the Front and his mother tried to stop the soldiers.

After 1915:

1) Frank came home. He had tea with his neighbours.


HW: for next time, you need to learn your lesson and you also need to highlight in your text some information about the characters' attitudes and feelings. Don't forget to update your vocabulary / phonetics / grammar / ... sections in your folders.

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