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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
June 3 2010 4 03 /06 /June /2010 16:45



today we first did a quick recap of what we had talked about last time. Here is what we added today about the video:


If the driver had respected the speed limit, so many people would not have died. The girl would have kept walking; she would not have ended up in a wheelchair.

If the driver hadn't sped:
(...) the couple may have lived happily ever after.
(...) the couple in the car would not have been injured.
(...) the driver wouldn't have been surprised to see the dog which was crossing the road.


Then we continued our lesson about road safety with two new documents dealing with the problems of mobile phones when driving. You can listen to the first one down here:


Here is what we said about it:

The message of the ad is:

Switch off your mobile phone before you drive because it's difficult to concentrate on two things at the same time. It may cause a crash, you may collide with another car. The chances of having an accident are multiplied by four. You are four times more likely to have a crash.

Voc: It's likely to happen.


And here is the poster:



Here are the notes that you had to take to prepare yourself for a 2-minute oral presentation next week:

  "to be written by Félix / William"

1) Present the document:

This document deals with: road sign / road safety ...

2) Describe what you see in details
3) Analyse
4) Comment
5) Give your opinion


Finally, we learnt some words and expressions dealing with giving a phone call. Here are these words and phrases:



(to) pick up ≠ (to) hang up
(to) dial
the receiver

(to) receive a phone call

(to) give someone a call / (to) ring / (to) give someone a buzz * 

(hand held) mobile phone [UK] / cell phone [US]
"Can you give me your digits?"**


HW: get ready to speak about the poster for at least 2-3 minutes.

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