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March 8 2012 4 08 /03 /March /2012 20:23

Hey guys,


today we first talked about women's day with Maheen who did quite a good presenting the video and talking about it.

You can watch it again below:





Here is what we said about it:


Women's Day (since 1977, created by Americans)
- to raise awareness in people about inequality of treatment between men and women
- so as to get a fairer society
- to achieve equal rights
- in order to improve women's education, healthcare, housing, security ... throughout the world.
> in the past, they were forbidden to vote and they still can't vote in some countries.
> in some countries, girls are forced to get married.
> women on average don't have the same salary/wages/pay as men even if they do the same jobs.


Then we continued talking about the topic "Immigration to the US" with the analysis of this article:





Here is what we said about it:


Mexico's migrants return as American dream fades  

Main situation

-> Who? Mr Ramos, Mexican, 36, illegal alien, "wet back"
-> Where? border
-> When? Nowadays, now mayor of a city
-> What? Illegally crossed the border at 24 / worked illegally
-> Why? He was looking for "the American dream"
                                   > you start from scratch and strike it rich.
                                   > better living conditions (work, healthcare, food, housing...).
                                   > success, pursuit of happiness.

Differences and evolutions

> Mexicans don't always have a better life.
> the American economy has changed (crisis).
> Used to be a developing country with no technology and no recent architecture.
> Mexicans have been massively deported.

Identical facts and notions (similarities)

> Mexicans are "Americanized".
> bilingual or even 3 languages : English, Spanish, local tongue.
> migrants adopt American standards / life style.
> migrants still wire cash to their families even if as there are fewer migrants, there is less money.


- relire son devoir et se fixer ses objectifs de relecture en expression écrite.  

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