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Ce blog est à destination de tous les élèves qui souhaitent enrichir leur connaissance de la langue anglaise. Chaque jour, des cours nouveaux expliqués... (cliquez sur le drapeau de votre choix pour lire la suite dans la langue voulue)
February 3 2011 4 03 /02 /February /2011 17:17




today we first warmed up with the biography of Barbie, the famous doll. You can watch it below:





Here is what we said about it:


The document is about the story of Barbie since its creation.

It deals with the love she used to have with Ken, her perfect husband.

However, the perfect couple split up / broke up in 2007.

Barbie ditched / dumped Ken on Valentine's Day.

-> "Shame on you Barbie!"

-> "You're heartless Barbie!"

-> "What a bitch*** / whore*** / slut*** !!!!!"



Then we continued the lesson with the correction of your homework:

War-related words:

fighter / bomber -> (to) bomb

(to) kill / (to) destroy -> destruction ... terror / fire / flames

The Luft Waffe


attack / assault / incident


warfare (l'art de la guerre)

weapon / arsenal -> a gun, a bomb, ...

a bombing = un bombardement

(to) bomb / (to) bombard / (to) blast

air raid

(to) flee = to go away from the war

a tactical shift = a change of tactics

(to) subdue = to make someone capitulate


a soldier (intro)

(to) take up arms (intro)

l. 19 : he's lost a leg

l. 22 : air raid

l. 23 : shelter

l. 23 : warning

l. 34 : pain

l. 45 : death

l. 30 : the darkness (connotation of something bad).


Additional vocabulary:

aquamarine = a type of precious stone (ex: diamond)


Then we continued the lesson with the reading of our new text and here is what we said about it:


If I were in Stella's shoes, ...

... I would break up with Philip because I would want to be honest.

... I would continue to cheat on Philip because if he died, I would not be single.

...  I wouldn't know what to do; I would feel torn apart.

...  I would feel pity for Philip because he's lost a leg so I would stay with him.


Stella has to make a choice. She has to face a dilemma / a difficult situation / an ordeal.

  Her possible choices:

- break up with P.

- break up with J.

- break up with both

- continue to cheat on P.

- fall in love with Joe's father

- commit suicide out of despair.

Grammar : le conditionnel

If ... verbe au prétérit modal (attention à la forme de BE -> were à toutes les personnes)

+ .... would + V


HW: you will take a vocabulary test! Get ready!

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